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AI 株価予測 20210326の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 2021026 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210326の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 2021026 Status 8306MUFG

[今回予測20210326]Forecast for this time ( no change ) 

[前回予測20210319Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

来週月曜日が配当の権利付き最終日ではあるが、AI週足予測通り急落し、上昇レンジの真ん中で終了した。これはバブルか、そして破裂するかが議論されている。バリュー低位株の修正相場が終わり、業績相場に入るという見方もある。利回り曲線については、円はだめだが、ドルについては立ち上がり始め、MUFGもドル資産についてはギャップ収益が拡大するだろう。Next Monday is the last day with rights for dividends however, MUFG dropped as AI weekly forecasted and ended in the middle of uprising range. It is widely discussed whether current market is in bubble, then burst or not. Some says correction of undervalued stock ended and now going into profit based market.  For yield curve, JPY is hopeless but US$ may rise to increase gapping P/L for US$ asset on MUFG. 

新値の更新はなく、結果AI予測に変化はない。There is no change in three line break, hence there is no change on AI forecast. 

急落は、上昇レンジの下限で跳ね返された。Suddent drop bounced back and the lower bound of uprising range.

日銀買いから外された日経平均は上昇レンジを破ったが、レンジ下限に回帰した。Nikkei, that is not part of BOJ's purchasing index anymore, broke uprising range downward however, it came back to lower bound eventually. 

コロナは変異種による第4波が懸念され始めている。Now people worry about the surge of 4th wave for Covid-19's variant expansion. 

当面、バブルがどこまで続くかが焦点だ。どのような変化にも対応できるリスク管理体制でいることが求められる。具体的には、資金管理だろう。余力は常に半分とっておきたい。For now, need to focus how long the bubble lasts. It is important to be ready for any changes from risk control perspective. In practice, money management is the most important part. Always need to keep half of the portfolio untouched.


AI 株価予測 20210319の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210319 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210319の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210319 Status 8306MUFG

[今回予測20210319]Forecast for this time

[前回予測20210312Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

新値は上値を更新。3月末の配当取り、日銀点検、Topix2000、日経3万越え、グロースからバリューへの循環、長期金利の立ち上がり、政府経済支援によるGDPのオーバーシュート効果などと解説される。取引高を伴った上げ速度はとても速い。Three Line Break(3LB) is renewing high. The rise was explained by many reasons, such as, dividend taking at end of Mar, BOJ monetary policy review, break of threshold 2K and 30K for TPX and NKY respectively, circulation from growth to value, uprising of long term interest rate, GDP overshoot due to massive government financial aids. Rising speed is very high with volume.  

今週のAI予測は週足でのシャープな下落だ。ここまで急激に上がってくると、平凡な予測だが、どうなるだろう。AI forecast for next week is sharp drop. It sounds pretty common prediction at this rapid high phase. 

MUFGの上昇はAI予測を上回り、一段上の上昇レンジに到達。MUFG's hike exceeded over AI forecast and reached one step higher upward range.

市場全体は、レンジを上昇中。Market as a whole is rising in rising range. 

日銀点検は金利管理体制の多少の微調整に過ぎなかったので、今回の上げの本質は、これから経済全体が回復すると判断した、大きなファンドの参入が原因だろう。BOJ monetary policy review was only subtle adjustment of interest rate management framework, hence the rise this time may come from involvement of big fund expecting the recovery of overall economy. 

その判断の最大の要因は、GDP2000兆円の米国の500兆円に匹敵する政府支援が、コロナによる経済の落込みGDP25%を埋め合わせて有り余る金額であったことではないだろうか?The biggest reason may be the over JPY500tr equivalent US government financial aid while GDP is JPY2000tr equivalent. It means that government aid is more than GDP drop 25% due to Covid-19 damage. 

世界経済が米国を最終消費地点として動いている現状で、米国の回復は世界の回復=日本の回復、なので、日本投資再開というマクロ的なシナリオだと考えられる。Since whole world economy has US as eventual consumer, US recovery = world recovery = Japan recovery, hence the restarting investment to Japan may come from such scenario. 

チャート的には700円台前半までは行きそうな感じではある。From technical chart perspective, early 700 can be the immediate target. 


AI 株価予測 20210312の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210312 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210312の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210312 Status 8306MUFG

[今回予測20210312]Forecast for this time

[前回予測20210305Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

MUFGはAI予想通り上昇し週、日とも新値を更新した。今週の予想は、週足では上昇だ。MUFG has advanced as AI forecast for both week and day 3LB(three line break). The forecast for this week is 'up' for week leg. 

まだモーメンタムは残されているが、いつ跳ね返されてもおかしくない。長期金利の上昇も頭打ちだ。The trend still has momentum however, it can bounce back anytime. Long term interest rate looks hit the ceiling. 

NYは暴落目前だという大合唱の中、不思議と上げ続け、日経平均もつれ高している。As all screams of the risk of bubble burst for NY stock however, NY Dow amazingly kept going up as well as Nikkei Average. 

コロナは変異株の感染力が増大しているようで、ワクチンは普及しても、その効果は今後、削がれるだろう。ブラジル、米国の死者も増加傾向が止まらない。その中で株価だけが続伸していくのは、ただコロナ援助の政府支出がGDPの1/4規模であることによるだろう。Covid-19 now has variant that is much more infectious than before, hence efficacy of vaccine will be slashed even if vaccine shot spread throughout the world. Brazil as well as US death toll kept rising. Among such tragic situation, only stock is advancing mainly because of massive government financial aids corresponds to 1/4 of GDP. 

コロナの撲滅が先か、莫大な政府支出の副作用が先か、今後の展開が注目される。We need to focus which one comes first, either the victory against Covid-19, or, side effect of massive government expenditure. 


AI 株価予測 20210305の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210305 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210305の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210305 Status 8306MUFG

[今回予測20210305]Forecast for this time

[前回予測20210226Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

金利の上昇も一服した。新値については、月、週は上昇中、日は崩れそうな感じだが予想は上昇だ。Interest rate surge stopped for a moment. For line breaks, month and week is on up-trend while day looks collapsing but AI forecast is 'up'. 

MUFGは持合い状態だ。MUFG is forming coil pattern.

市場全体も、NYにつれ安したが、上昇レンジ下値抵抗線で下げ止まった。Market as a whole went down as NY dropped but stopped at the lower range of trend line. 

NYはバブル崩壊するといわれ続けながら上昇を続けている。月次の新値を見ると、5本を数え綺麗に上昇局面に入ったようには見える。ただ、バブル崩壊、コロナや巨額の経済援助、国際関係の緊張など、リスクは山積みで、リスクポジションは半分以上には出来ないことには変わりわない。NY has been going up irrespective of comments on bubble collapse. Looking at monthly three line break(3LB), it looks now it shifted beautifully to uptrend after counting five 3LB.  However, it is hard to increase risk position more than half considering lots of risks such as possible bubble burst, Covid-19 and massive financial aids, as well as international tensions.