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人口調整への究極の処方箋 Ultimate Recipe for Population Control


Ultimate Recipe for Population Control

人間は多ければ多いほど、多様性が増し、世の中は楽しくなる。As the number of people increases, the more diversity world has, and the world will be a more interesting place to live.

が、同時に問題も増える。However, at the same time, we will see more problems. 

資源が有限という前提を与えると、どこかで数をコントロールしないといけなくなる。Given the condition that resources are limited, we need to control the number at some point. 

先進国での人口減少は実に興味深い。生活が便利になればなるほど、子供は増えそうなものだ。ところが、現実には出生率が下がる。理由は、女性の社会進出、育児、教育費用の高騰などいろいろ言われている。Population decrease at the developed countries are very interesting. If the standard of living increases, the number of kids is supposed to increase naturally. However birth rate decreases in reality. The causes are said to be attributed to many reasons, i.e., women's involvement to society, childcare, high cost for education, etc. 

もしこれが、不変の原理なら、人口膨張に頭を悩ませる必要は無く、世界の人口は自然とコントロールされるのだろう。If it is the absolute principle, there will be no need to worry about population expansion, but world population will be controlled naturally. 

即ち、世界に、先進国、発展途上国の区別が無くなった段階で、世界の人口問題は解決するのだろう。It means that, world population problem will be resolved at the stage where there will be no distinction between developed and developing countries.