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AI 株価予測 20220218の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20220218 Status 8306MUFG

 AI 株価予測 20220218の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20220218 Status 8306MUFG

AI予測は反発。AI forecast is rebound.

15日水曜日に限度枠1/4を購入したが米銀の弱さを考慮し16日に売却。金曜日にレベルB近辺まで下落してきたため再度限度枠の1/4だけ参入。月曜からは下落のレベルに合わせて残りの3/4を投入予定。I put in 1/4 of limit on Wed 15th however, seeing the weakness of US bank stocks, I sold next day 16th. On Friday, I bought for 1/4 since price came down around level B. From next Monday, I will put in the rest 3/4 as price keeps going down. 

世界の株式指標は下落基調、米国銀行も軒並み下落したがチャート的には底は近い感じではある。来週のウクライナ情勢の落ち着きを待って、再上昇が始まると思われる。Global equity index is on downtrend. US bank stocks all went down however some looks close to the bottom from chart. Next week, they may rebound as Ukraine situation calms down.

ウクライナ情勢は情報戦の真っただ中。米国はクリミアの時のように、ロシアはウクライナの内部崩壊を計画していると言い、ロシアは全面的に攻め入ることは無いと言う。クリミア併合時には、クリミア内の親ロシア派によるデモ、停電、通信遮断、国家施設占拠の手順が取られたようで、同様の手口でウクライナがロシアに併合されるかが焦点だ。Ukraine is in the middle of information war. US claims that, just like Crimea merger time, Russia is setting up internal collapse of Ukraine. Meanwhile Russia says it will not make total attack against Ukraine. At the time of Crimea merger, pro Russian group made demonstration, followed by power shutdown, communication shutdown followed by occupation of major government facilities. I need to watch if same approach will be taken to merge Ukraine as part of Russia. 

金利は2%を付けたあとは、いったん調整。パウエルは14日に緊急FOMCを招集したものの、CPIの高止まりを受けた利上げ前倒しなどはウクライナ情勢もあり行われていない。ただ、3月からのQE終了、利上げ、QT開始には揺るぎは無いと思われる。Interest rate touched 2% once and now coming down a bit.  Powell invited emergency FOMC on 14th facing the CPI release to be a bit higher than the forecast however, probably due to the Ukraine situation, no action has been taken so far. Nevertheless, there will be no change of plan for the termination of QE from March, followed by interest rate hike as well as start of QT.

10年金利 Interest Rate10Yr

[今回予測20220218]Forecast at this time 

[前回予測20220210]Previous Forecast 

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Midterm Range