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母の命日と子供の大学合格 My mother's 1st anniversary and my kid's passing of entrance exam


My mother's 1st anniversary and my kid's passing of entrance exam

母は教育熱心で、生涯にわたって努力家だった。当然、私の子に対しても期待は大きかった。My mother was really into education. She had been hard worker throughout her life. Naturally my kid got big expectation from her.

母が亡くなった昨年の大学受験では、私の子は明らかに準備不足で共通テストも満足な点数が取れず、浪人となった。At the university entrance exam of last year, my kid's readiness was poor and the national standardized test score was not enough to pass the exam. 

果たして今年は、命日の前日に合格発表、合格通知は命日に送られてきた。However this year, on the day of publication of exam result,

入試直後の自己採点結果は良くなかった。試験自体は難化していたものの、合格と思える状態ではなかったので、後期受験に期待していた。Self checked score was not really good. Although examination itself became harder than previous year, the score was not sufficient to pass the exam. Hence I expected further stretch for the 2nd section of the test that follows the 1st section. 

母があの世から応援してくれたと信じている。合格証は母の仏壇に供えた。 I believe my mother helped from heaven. The pass certificate was put next to the altar of my mother.

ありがとうお母さん。母には天国で喜んでいて欲しい。Thank you mother. I wish my mother to celebrate in heaven.