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AI 株価予測 20210924の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210924 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210924の状況8306MUFG 

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210924 Status 8306MUFG

今週は木曜まで恒大グループ倒産とFOMCで株価は暴落。売買は様子見。Evergrande group's bankruptcy and FOMC lead the collapse of the market this week until Thursday. Hence trading was on hold,  and I just watched how things went.  

その後、恒大グループの利払いはなされる方向となる一方、FOMCでは11月からのテーパリングが再確認され、サプライズは無かった。結果、市場には安心感が戻り、株価は世界中で急伸した。Later this week, Evergrande group looked resuming coupon payment, also FOMC suggested tapering from Nov as previously indicated. There was no surprise. As a result, relief came back to the market and stock jumped globally.

中でも、金利上昇によるギャップ収益の拡大が見込める銀行株の戻りは早かったため、短期トレード枠の1/3を24日寄り付きで買った。Among other stocks, banking sector advanced faster due to expansion of gapping profit as a result of interest rate hike. Hence I bought 1/3 of trade limit as of 24th market opening. 

恒大グループは氷山の一角で中国全体の不動産は日本の80年代後期のバブル期と同じ状態になっているようだ。加えて、共産党が現在の準ー資本主義から純粋な共産主義へ回帰する方針だ。世界経済に与える影響は甚大だ。Evergrande group is only a tip of the iceberg of whole Chinese real estate industry that looks in the middle of bubble just like Japan was back in late 80's. On top of that, Communist part of China looks aiming to revert back to pure communism rather than current semi capitalism. Tremendous impact to the whole world is expected going forward. 


[今回予測20210924]Forecast at this time 

[前回予測20210917]Forecast at this time 


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