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円安は外貨準備で Cope with JPY depreciation by Fcy reserve

 円安は外貨準備で Cope with JPY depreciation by Fcy reserve

円安、円高は功罪混じる。JPY appreciation and depreciation have merit as well as demerit. 

総合して最適な水準に誘導するのが国家としての役割。It is national responsibility to drive the level to the appropriate optimum.

現状、日米金利差で円高は140円に迫る勢い。Currently, JPY rate is reaching almost 140 due to interest rate difference between US/Japan.

そろそろ、過去、円高防止で積み上げた150兆円に上る外貨準備を、今度は、円安防止に使う時期に来ている。Now it is a time to sell of piled up JPY150tr equivalent foreign currency(Fcy) reserve through protection against JPY appreciation some time ago.

80円台から積み上げた外貨準備の売却は20兆円規模の政府収入となる。Extra government income benefit is the realization of the approximately JPY20tr gain that has been bought since 80Yen/$ level.