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e-taxで電子申告 Tax Return by e-tax

 e-taxで電子申告 Tax Return by e-tax

遅ればせながら、e-taxで電子申告を始めて挑戦!Tried for the 1st time, tax return by e-tax.

年に1回しかないことを言い訳に、ずるずると毎年、税務署の相談コーナーで申告していた。It is only once a year, which I have been using as an excuse every year for not trying e-tax but depending on face to face consultation at nearby local government tax office.

相談コーナーは狭い場所に相談者と支援職員が密集し、コロナ感染リスクは極めて高い。Face to face tax consultation done at the office is very crowded every year by tax payer and government tax office stuff.  Very high Covid-19 infection risk exists.

今年は、ついに、初めて申告まですべてを自宅で行ってみたところ上手くいった。This year, I finally tried all processes up to on-line electronic submission and amazingly I made it! 

認証はICカードリーダーとマイナンバーカード、添付資料は省略可能、提出はオンラインで完了。Authentication is done by 'my number card' and IC card reader.  Evidential attachments can be skipped for on-line electronic submission.

また帳票記入上の不明な点はググって解決。 Detailed questions on format were resolved by google search. 

一つ不思議に感じたのは、オンライン提出する際に、作成結果を一旦PCに保存する必要があること。提出は別処理で作成した保存ファイルを指定して、再度システムに入りなおして行う。なぜ、提出まで一貫して行えないようになっているのかは不明。One thing I found as funny was the on-line submission process where user needs to log out from system and log in once more, just for electronic submission. User need to save the finalized form  locally once, to upload later for electronic submission. I am not sure why not just let the process as straight through by enabling the submission of the form as soon as it is finalized. 

前年度税務署の相談コーナーでの申告例と同じスタイルになるように作業したため、自信をもてた。しかし今後、申告内容・目的が異なる場合はまた税務署の相談コーナーにお世話になるかもしれない。I got confident on the finalized form since I made it as the same as last year's form I made by the help of government tax-office stuff. However, when there is any change on regulations or objectives, I many need to go down to tax office again. 

その時までにはコロナが終焉しておいてほしい。 I wish Covid-19 will end by that time.