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咄嗟の救命処置 Immediate life-saving measures


Immediate life-saving measures

父親が駅のホームで、顔が青くなり、白目になって、突然倒れこんだ中年の人を見た。My father witnessed a middle-aged man collapsing on the train station platform. The man's face turned pale, his eyes rolled back, and he suddenly fell.

以前同様のケースを見ていたため、心筋梗塞だと判断、心臓マッサージを行ったところ意識を取り戻したそうだ。Having seen similar cases before, my father deduced that it might be a heart attack. He performed cardiac massage, and as a result, the man regained consciousness.

最近AEDなどは所々に設置されてきてはいるが、捜しまわるのに時間を使うより、倒れた瞬間から速攻で心臓マッサージを行うことが有効だろう。Although AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) have been installed in various places recently, it would likely be more effective to initiate cardiac massage immediately from the moment of collapse, rather than spending time searching for an AED.