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子供を野菜好きにする魔法の場所 Magic Place to Convert Kids to Vegetable Lovers


Magic Place to Convert Kids to Vegetable Lovers

野菜や果物がその場で食べられる、石田観光農園に行ってきた。こどもは大はしゃぎ。 Went up to Ishida farm harvest tour where you can harvest & eat vegetables and fruits on spot. Kids were all excited.  

そこは、野菜が大嫌いな子供も野菜好きにする食育の魔法の場所だった。That was a magic food-education-place for kids who hate vegetables, to convert to vegetable lovers.

野菜嫌いの子供にお勧め。人生変わるかも。Very much recommended for kids who hate vegetables. It can change their life.