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銀行の為替リスク FX Risk for a Bank


English Follows






外貨 1,000ドル / 借入 1,000ドル




  現金 100ドル / 借入 100ドル
  貸出 1万円   / 現金 1万円
  借入 100ドル / 現金 100ドル
  現金 1万円   / 貸出 1万円


  債権 100ドル / 現金 100ドル
  株式 100ドル / 現金 100ドル

  現金 100ドル / 現金 1万円
  株式 100ドル / 現金 100ドル

  現金 100ドル / 借入 100ドル
  貸出 1万円   / 現金 1万円
  株式 100ドル / 現金 100ドル
  借入 100ドル / 現金 100ドル
  現金 1万円   / 貸出 1万円
   --> 株式を売却するまで、ロールオーバーし続ける
  貸出 1万円   / 現金 1万円
  株式 100ドル / 現金 100ドル

FX Risk for a Bank

When FX rate moves significant, Bank with lots of FX business may worry it‘s impact.

However, below 3 points may help to get away from such concerns.

(1) Look impact on balance sheet as a whole
(2) Don‘t be confused by naming
(3) Way to fund foreign currency makes difference

(1) Look impact on balance sheet as a whole
The biggest worry stems from the ambiguity of question itself whether we are talking about impact on each items on balance sheet or impact on balance sheet as a whole.

Let's take borrowing of foreign currencies as an example. When we borrow foreign currency, we see foreign currency in asset while borrowing in liability.

Foreign currency  $1K / Borrowing $1K

Here in this case above, foreign currency $1K has FX risk while, borrowing $1K also has FX risk.

However, two risks will offset each other when FX rate fluctuates, making no risk as a balance sheet as a whole. In nutshell, there is no FX risk from foreign currency borrowing itself.

(2) Don‘t be confused by naming
  Both FX swap and currency swap sound like as if they carry FX risk from naming. However, both products are nothing but a combination of term borrowing and term lending, hence there are no FX risk involved. FX swap and currency swap are way to procure foreign currency funding avoiding incurring FX risks.

  [Start Date]
       Cash $100         / Borrowing $100
     Lending JPY10K / Cash JPY10K
  [Maturity Date]
     Borrowing $100  / Cash $100
     Cash JPY10K      / Lending JPY10K

(3) Way to fund foreign currency makes difference
  The 3rd reason for the confusion is the difference between the ways of procurement of foreign currencies to purchase foreign currency denominated asset.  If funding for asset purchase is done through own foreign currency or FX swap, then there will be no FX risk. However, if we purchase foreign currency denominated asset by way of FX spot, then FX spot will incur FX risk.

  No FX risk if bought by own foreign currency cash
  Bond $100 / Cash $100
  Stock $100 / Cash $100

  FX risk emerge if bought by foreign currency procured through FX spot
  Cash $100 / Cash JPY10K
  Stock $100 / Cash $100

  There is no FX risk if foreign asset is bought by foreign currency fund procured through FX swap.
  [Start of FX Swap]
    Cash $100         / Borrowing $100
    Lending JPY10K / Cash JPY10K
    Stock $100        / Cash $100
  [Maturity of FX Swap] 
    Borrowing $100 /  Cash $100
    Cash JPY10K      / Lending JPY10K
                 --> Keep rolling over until sale of stock
    Cash $100         / Borrowing $100
    Lending JPY10K / Cash JPY10K