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5分で分かる為替先物  5min Understanding of FX Future


5min Understanding of FX Future

ドル円の為替レートが未来に向かって円高になる(ドルの金利>円の金利の場合)ことを説明するのに、次のように説明すると分かってもらえることが多い。I generally got good feedback from people, when I explained people as below why future FX rate on JPY against USD appreciates although JPY interest rate is lower than USD interest rate mostly.

  1. ある日100円を持っている人と、1ドルを持っている人が出会い、円とドルを交換した(これで、ドル円為替レートは100円となった)。お互い、お金は1年定期で預金した。One day, a person with 100JPY and 1USD met and exchanged them(then JPYUSD FX rate become 100JPY/USD ). Both side made 1yr term deposit the proceeds. 
  2. 円とドルを交換したのと同時に、二人は1年後に交換したドル円を再び、定期預金の金利分もそっくりそのまま交換する約束をした。Same time as exchange, both promised to exchange whole back again including the interest earned. 
  3. 円の市場金利は、0.1%、ドルの市場金利は2%だったとすると、1年後、100円は100.1円に、ドルは1.02ドルに増える。Assuming JPY 1yr market interest rate is 0.1% while USD 1yr market interest rate is 2%, after 1yr, JPY100 becomes 100.1JPY and USD becomes 1.02USD. 
  4. 結果、1年後に二人は100.1円を1.02ドルと交換することになる。これは1年後決済のドル円為替レートが100.1/1.02=98.14となっていることを表している。As a result, after 1yr, they exchange 100.1JPY by 1.02USD. This means that JPYUSD settlement FX rate after 1yr became 100.1/1.02=98.14. 
式で説明すると、Using equation,
\begin{align} Current FX Rate(CFXR)  &:  100(JPY/USD)為替現在値  \\r_{JPY}   &:  JPY's1yr Interest Rate(円1年金利)  \\ r_{USD}  &:  USD's1yr Interest Rate(ドル1年金利) \end{align}
とすると、現時点で値付けされる、1年後に決済する場合の為替レートは、If we assume above, then, the current FX 1yr forward settlement rate priced as of now will be,
\begin{align}  Future FX Rate &= \frac{100JPY's1Yr future Value(100円の1年後の価値)}{1USD's1Yr future Value(1ドルの1年後の価値)} \\ &= \frac{100 \times ( 1 + r_{JPY} )}{1 \times ( 1 + r_{USD} )}  \end{align}

一般化して、現時点で値付けされる、T年後に決済する場合の為替レートは、Generalizing, current future settled FX rate after T years will be,

\begin{align} rT_{JPY}   &:  JPY'sTyr Interest Rate(円T年金利)  \\ rT_{USD}  &:  USD'sTyr Interest Rate(ドルT年金利) \end{align}
\begin{align}  Future FX Rate &= \frac{CFXRJPY'sTYr future Value(CFXR円のT年後の価値)}{1USD'sTYr future Value(1ドルのT年後の価値)} \\ &= \frac{CFXR \times ( 1 + rT_{JPY} )^T}{1 \times ( 1 + rT_{USD} )^T}  \\ &= CFXR\times e^{(rT_{JPY}-rT_{USD})}    \end{align}




Win10 最強のエディター Best Editor on Win10

Win10 最強のエディター

Best Editor on Win10

Windows 10でプログラミングをする際に、使いやすい無料エディターを探していて、今日、見つかった。Visual Studio Codeだ。まだ、JavaScriptにしか使っていないけれど、軽くて、Indentation、ハイライトも充実。そして無料。使わない手はない!

Looking for free handy editor for programming on Windows 10 and found Visual Studio Code today. So far, used only for JavaScript but it is light with indentation and highlights. And Free. Why not using it!


地球CTプロジェクト Earth CT Project


English Follows


  • 地球の全資源の所在が明らかになる。
  • プレートの動きのリアルタイムの観察により、噴火、地震予知が可能になる。

Earth CT Project

We know that neutrinos go through atom, hence, in a sense, "neutrinos wind" is blowing through our body. From neutrinos, all substance on earth are sparse with voids everywhere. Now accelerators are build on earth, but if we build emitter and receiver on earth orbit, we can perform CT on earth.  Earth will be naked finally then. 

If realized, followings will be possible for example. 
  • All earth resources will be revealed.
  • Volcano eruption and earthquake prediction will be possible through real time observation of plate movement.

Due to its tremendous advantage to human being, I wish this will be taken up as an international project.  As an intelligent creature on earth, homo sapience, we are responsible to know where we live at least.  In another look, currently, human being is just going back and forth near surface on earth. 


銀行の収益源 Income Source of Bank   


English Follows




長短ギャッピング : 金利の安い短期で資金を借りて、金利の高い長期で貸し出すことで、長期金利ー短期金利の差分を得る。長期金利>短期金利であることが必要。金利差が縮小すると利益が減り、逆転すると損失となる。

信用リスク取り: 倒産リスクがある主体に信用リスクを上乗せした金利で貸し出す。上乗せ金利分が収益となる。リスクは貸出先の倒産である。




Income Source of Bank

What banks do to make money?

For normal people, banks are no more than cash cards.

Bank's income sources, not really clear for everybody, are,

Long Short gapping : Borrow show term low interest rate money to lend higher interest rate long term.  Long term - Short term interest rate difference becomes income for banks.  It is important to keep long term interest rate > short term interest rate. If difference shrinks, income shrinks, and if relationship flips to reverse side, banks will start losing money.
(Example) Borrow $100mn for every 1 month rolling on floating rate(0.1% PA(per annual) for example) to lend 10 yrs for $100mn at 3% PA. This result in $2mn(2% difference) PA.

Credit Risk Taking : Lend money to borrower with default risk at credit risk premium interest rate. Premium interest rate becomes earning.  Risk is the default of the borrower.
(Example) Lend $100mn to corp A for 10yrs at 5% PA. The interest rate when there is no default risk is 3%.

Deposits : Borrow money from lower interest rate deposit and lend to higher interest rate term deposit to make money out of interest rate difference.
(Example) Procure $100mn out of cash account(zero interest rate) or saving account(0.1%PA) to lend 10yrs at 3% PA. This generates interest rate difference income for 3%($3mn PA). Risk is the reduction of customer deposit base.

Other service fee: Money transfer, foreign exchange fee, basically inter mediation of regulated transactions. M&A fee. Income from export business support.

Proprietary trading : Make money by trading securities on bank's own account.