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地球CTプロジェクト Earth CT Project


English Follows


  • 地球の全資源の所在が明らかになる。
  • プレートの動きのリアルタイムの観察により、噴火、地震予知が可能になる。

Earth CT Project

We know that neutrinos go through atom, hence, in a sense, "neutrinos wind" is blowing through our body. From neutrinos, all substance on earth are sparse with voids everywhere. Now accelerators are build on earth, but if we build emitter and receiver on earth orbit, we can perform CT on earth.  Earth will be naked finally then. 

If realized, followings will be possible for example. 
  • All earth resources will be revealed.
  • Volcano eruption and earthquake prediction will be possible through real time observation of plate movement.

Due to its tremendous advantage to human being, I wish this will be taken up as an international project.  As an intelligent creature on earth, homo sapience, we are responsible to know where we live at least.  In another look, currently, human being is just going back and forth near surface on earth.