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TSE8306MUFGの20200204現状メモ Memo on Status20200204 of TSE8306MUFG


 Memo on Status20200204 of TSE8306MUFG 

TSE8306MUFG月足は3本で陽転模様。週足は陰転模様、日足は乱高下の状態だ。Monthly three line break of 8306MUFG looks going positive, while weekly looks going negative and daily looks jumping around.

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

20200204時点で配当利回りは4.4%。銀行株は全般、稼ぎ頭のギャッピングが異次元緩和によるイールドカーブのフラット化で機能していないため不調であるが、TSE8306MUFGは比較的、収益が安定している。At the point of 20200204, dividend coupon yield is 4.4%. Bank sector's leading profit making machine, gapping, is suffering from flattening of yield curve in general due to BOJ's drastic monetary policy however, TSE8306MUFG's profit is rather stable.

NYダウが30,000に、日経225は24,000に挑戦中、円は108円台、金利はマイナス金利緩和継続中、日本市場の主要参加者は海外勢、米中貿易戦争など世界情勢の不透明感は高まっている。NY Dow is heading 30,000 while Nikkei225 is challenging 24,000 level, JPY is around 108, interest rate is still on negative zone, prevailing TSE player is foreign investors and world economy is getting unclear due to continuation of trade war between US and China.

また、ここ2週間はコロナウイルスで世界中大騒ぎだ。Also, for the last two weeks, world is in confusion due to Coronavirus.

しかし、新値三本を使う場合、すべてが逆転してからでは遅すぎる。下値不安の少ない高い配当利回りの銘柄について新値が詰まってきたところが狙い目。外したら貯金だと思って配当を待つか、損切りで対応。資金管理は非常に重要。However, when you play on three line break, it will be too late if you wait for whole breaks(month/week/day) to go positive. Choosing the stock with less worry for breaking floor and wait for the moment the break amount starts getting small. If it does not work, can hold as deposit or do loss cut but never ever should miss the point of investment size management.