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AI 株価予測 20211008の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20211008 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20211008の状況8306MUFG 

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20211008 Status 8306MUFG

月曜日、前回のAI予測通りに新値は下値更新した。更新した時点でのAI予測は何故か上向き予想が頻出したが、中期上昇トレンドの下限を一旦は抜けると想定し、更なる下落を待った。ところが、金利の上昇を捉えた資金が火曜日から逆行買いを開始、金融株は急騰した。On Monday, MUFG went down as AI predicted. The next AI prediction after the revision of 3LB was 'up', shown many times, which I thought a bit funny.  Hence I waited until MUFG break through lower range of middle term upward trend.  However, taking the interest rate hike as a trigger point, some fund started to buy MUFG aggressively since Tuesday driving strong surge of MUFG stock price. 

現状、チャートは中期上昇トレンドの中間ラインで止まっている。そのままファンドが買い上げて上昇すれば放置だが、下がった場合は中期上昇トレンド下限ライン付近からトレード枠の残り2/3を投入する予定。Currently, chart looks holding at the middle line of upward middle term trend. If funds keeps buying, it is ok. However if bounded back from this point, I will wait until it goes close to lower range of middle term upward trend to buy another 2/3 of trading limit. 

NYの株は、現在テーパリングを控え、上昇は期待できず。結果、日経平均も連れ安しそうで、MUFGがこの中間ラインで跳ね返される可能性も大きい。NY stock is now hard to go up, waiting the start of the tapering. As a result, Nikkei may drop accordingly driving MUFG to be bounced back at this middle line. 

10年金利 Interest Rate10Yr

[今回予測20211008]Forecast at this time 

[前回予測20210101]Previous Forecast 


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