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崩壊する民主主義。投票義務化法、罰則規定付き、憲法改正 Collapsing Democracy. Compulsory Voting Law with Penalties, Constitution Amendment


Collapsing Democracy. Compulsory Voting Law with Penalties, Constitution Amendment

民主主義の欠点は、全員参加を強制しないために、組織票が強大な影響をもつこと。The deficiency of democracy is non-compulsory voting, that ends up creating over-presence of voting bloc in a election.

政治家は組織票を得るため、利益相反状態となる。Politicians fall into the status of conflict of interest easily if they wish to get voting bloc's support. 

組織票は投票率が上がると、その効果を失う。However, such effects will be lost if voting rate increases. 


投票を義務化し、投票しない場合は罰を与える、should make voting as compulsory by placing penalty for non-performance.

と憲法に明記する、最初の国になろう。It should be a part of constitution as a first country in the world to make voting mandatory. 

マイナンバーカードを持って投票所で電子投票ぐらいは簡単だ。Voting at polling place with national identification card should not be a problem.