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AI 株価予測 20221014の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 2021014 Status 8306MUFG

 AI 株価予測 20221014の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 2021014 Status 8306MUFG

FOMC議事録公開、CPI発表があった。インフレ鎮静化が見られない発表結果を受けて、米株は$400暴落後、$1200暴騰。今度はオプション絡みのプログラムトレードだった。FOMC minutes as well as CPI numbers were published. Facing result showing no slow down of inflation, US stocks plunged -$400, later blew up for $1,200.  Looks this time, it happened due to option related program trading. 

今週は日銀金利決定会合だが、大きな変更はないだろう。 This week there is BOJ interest rate policy meeting however, there will be no major change. 

新値は日足で反転。AI予測は上昇。Three line break reverted for daily. AI forecast is 'up'. 

トレード詳細はこちら。トレード枠利用は2/4。長期枠利用は0/4。Trade details are here. 2/4 limit holding at the point of weekend. Long term holding utilization is 0/4.

三菱商事は上昇トレンド下限抵抗線で反発。基本放置。Mitsubishi trading bounced at the lower resistance of upward trend.  Keep holding. 

長谷工は下値抵抗線で反発。基本放置。Haseko bounced at the lower registance. Keep holding as well. 

ウクライナの領土奪還は順調なものの、長期化は予想される。冬になり、プーチンのエネルギーによる恫喝が効き始めるのが懸念事項。Ukraine is gradually taking back its territories invaded however, it may take longer to take back all. One worry is an energy supply threat from Putin as going closer to winter. 

米銀株、USTU10とSPX  US Banks, UST10&SPX

米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast

逆イールドまでもう数回の利上げで到達しそう。ギャッピング収益は縮小中。Can reach almost to the reverse yield after several rate hikes. Gapping profit kept shrinking accordingly.

[今回予測20221014 ]Forecast at this time 

[前回予測20221007 ]Previous Forecast 

3LB Month/Week/Day

Midterm Range