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ROEは大事だ ROE is important


ROE is important

 何をいまさらと言われるのが落ちだが、ROEは大事だ。The point is often made that it's too late to talk about it now, but ROE (Return on Equity) is important.

株価を見る指標として、株を買う人から見た指標が、PERやPBR。As indicators for assessing stock prices, PER (Price-to-Earnings Ratio) and PBR (Price-to-Book Ratio) are considered from the perspective of those buying stocks.

一方、調達した資本を元手に、事業を運営する人から見た指標がROE。On the other hand, ROE is an indicator seen by those managing a business, using the capital acquired to operate it.

PERや、PBRが、株価の変動に応じてダイナミックに変化するのに対して、ROEは、日々変化することはない。四半期決算のタイミングで収益が明らかになった時と、資本に変化が起こった時に変化するぐらいだ。While PER and PBR dynamically change in response to fluctuations in stock prices, ROE remains constant on a day-to-day basis. It only changes when earnings become evident at the timing of quarterly financial statements or when changes occur in the capital.

経営者としての手腕はROEで表されるし、会社の成長性や効率性も見ることができる。The skill of a manager is reflected in ROE, and it also allows an assessment of a company's growth and efficiency.

ROEの重要性を再認識しよう。Let's re-emphasize the importance of ROE.