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リチウム価格の暴落が意味するもの The Meaning of the Sharp Drop in Lithium Prices


The Meaning of the Sharp Drop in Lithium Prices

Youtubeを眺めていてリチウム価格の暴落を知り、ショックを受けた。EVの普及が頭打ちになってきたようだ。While watching YouTube, I learned about the sharp drop in lithium prices and was shocked. It seems that the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) has reached a plateau.

細かな解析はネットに溢れているが、マクロでみると、結局化石燃料を燃やして電気を作っている状態ではEVに経済合理性は無いということだろう。Although there is an abundance of detailed analyses online, from a macro perspective, it ultimately suggests that there is no economic viability for EVs when electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels.

寒冷地、大型自動車など、バッテリーではまだ化石燃料に対抗できない。In regions with cold climates or for large vehicles, batteries still cannot effectively compete with fossil fuels.

核融合発電、安全な原子力発電が確立された時点で、EVは初めて意味を持ってくる。It is only when fusion power or safe nuclear energy is established that EVs will truly become meaningful."