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ゲータの滝トレッキング GETA Waterfall Trekking


GETA Waterfall Trekking

西表島に行ってきた。Went down to Iriomote island.

船浮のイダ浜に行く予定が、出発直前に台湾の地震があり津波警報が出たため、急遽ゲータの滝への自力トレッキングに変更。Initially planned to go Ida beach in Funauki however, due to Taiwan earthquake happened before departure, Tsunami Warning was announced for immediate evacuation from shores. Hence I switched the initial plan to Geta waterfall trekking by own navigation. 

ネットには自力で行く情報が多数あり、まずは勉強。場所はここLots of information on net for self navigation toward the waterfall.  1st thing 1st, I did homework. The location is here

第一の滝までだが、結構ワイルドな体験。靴は運動靴、軍手は必須、ジーパンにTシャツ。季節は4月上旬。気温28度、晴れ。時刻は1PM。It's just to the first waterfall, but quite a wild experience. Sneakers are necessary, gloves are a must, jeans and a T-shirt. Early April. Temperature: 28 degrees Celsius, sunny. Time: 1 PM.

まずは標識C6を発見! First, we found sign C6!

近くに駐車スペースを発見。Discovered a parking space nearby.

いよいよ登頂開始。Finally, the ascent begins.

川に向かって降りていく。Heading down towards the river.

川の流れに到着すると、川は左から右に流れている。上流の左に歩きはじめる。Upon reaching the river's flow, it runs from left to right. We start walking to the left upstream.

だんだん道は険しく、滑りやすく。ターザンのようにツタに手をかけ上らないといけない場所も。流れを横断する場所も多い。運動靴を濡らさず、滑りやすい石の上を踏んで流れを横断。The path gradually becomes steep and slippery. There are places where you have to grab onto vines like Tarzan. There are also many spots to cross the flow, stepping on slippery stones without wetting the sneakers.

40分ほどかかって、第一の滝に到着!After about 40 minutes, we arrive at the first waterfall!

非常に芸術的な天然のアレンジに感動。Deeply moved by the incredibly artistic natural arrangement.