The Few Things Trump Got Right
トランプ政権が1月20日に発足してから、膨大な大統領令の連発で世界は混乱の極みに達しているが、中には的を得た物もある。円安が為替操作に当たるというものだ。Since the Trump administration took office on January 20, the world has been thrown into chaos by an overwhelming number of executive orders. However, among them, there are a few that hit the mark—one being the claim that the weak yen constitutes currency manipulation.
現在の円安は、アベノミクスのため、日銀が自公とのアコードに基づきインフレを2%以上に誘導するため意図的に発生させているとも見ることができる。The current depreciation of the yen can be seen as a deliberate consequence of Abenomics, with the Bank of Japan (BOJ) acting in accordance with its accord with the ruling coalition to drive inflation above 2%.
日銀は本来通貨の番人であり、過度な円安を防止する役割があるが、その役割を放棄しているのが現状。総裁植田は、為替は日銀の管轄でないと国会で答弁する始末。実態は、円安経由のコストプッシュにより、ようやくインフレが実現できたわけで、その経路を手放したくないだけ。何もしないをするだけで、たなぼた的にインフレが転がり込んでくるチャンスを日銀が見逃す訳はない。The BOJ, which is supposed to act as the guardian of currency stability, has abandoned its role in preventing excessive yen depreciation. BOJ Governor Ueda has even testified in parliament that exchange rates are outside the BOJ’s jurisdiction. In reality, the BOJ has finally achieved inflation through cost-push mechanisms via the weak yen, and it simply does not want to give up that pathway. By "doing nothing," the BOJ can conveniently let inflation roll in without effort, so it has no reason to intervene.
本来であれば、過大な米コロナ経済支援がもたらした米インフレ退治のための米利上げ由来の円安は、日本側では利上げにより対応しなければならない。ところが、日銀は為替には関係ないと狡猾にしらを切ってやり過ごした。Ideally, the yen's depreciation caused by U.S. interest rate hikes—implemented to curb the inflation triggered by excessive COVID-era economic stimulus in the U.S.—should have been addressed by Japan through its own rate hikes. However, the BOJ cunningly feigned ignorance, claiming that exchange rates were not within its concern.
80円台から110円台までは過剰な円高修正として黒田日銀の緩和は適切で、輸出企業は息を吹き返した。しかし110円以上の円安は、国民生活より2%インフレ率達成が目的化した異常なアベノミクス原理主義。When the yen rose excessively to the 80-yen range, BOJ Governor Kuroda’s monetary easing policy, which brought it back to the 110-yen range, was appropriate and helped exporters recover. However, once the yen weakened past 110, Abenomics’ fundamentalism took over, prioritizing the arbitrary 2% inflation target over the well-being of the public.
愚かな日本国民は現在のインフレの真因を理解できていない。そこにトランプの為替操作指摘が来た。日本は何時になっても外圧でしか変わることができない国。石破首相も、野田立件民主党党首も日銀アコードの見直しで過度な円安を修正しようと言っていたのが、政権につくと、あっという間にアベノミクス派に宗旨替えさせられてしまった。The foolish Japanese populace fails to understand the true cause of the current inflation. And now, Trump has pointed out Japan’s currency manipulation. Japan is a country that only changes when pressured from the outside. Both Prime Minister Ishiba and Constitutional Democratic Party leader Noda once advocated for revising the BOJ accord to correct excessive yen depreciation. However, once in power, they were quickly forced to convert to the Abenomics camp.
ウクライナでゼレンスキーを独裁者と呼び、ウクライナが戦争を始めたと言い、また、プーチン独裁政権の操り人形に成り下がっているトランプだが、日本の為替操作国指定だけは、頑張ってもらいたい。Trump may have disgraced himself by calling Zelenskyy a dictator, claiming Ukraine started the war, and effectively becoming a puppet of Putin’s authoritarian regime. However, when it comes to designating Japan as a currency manipulator, this is one issue where he should stay firm.