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人生の目的 .. 設計されたように生きよう The Purpose of Life. .. Live as We Are Designed

人生の目的 .. 設計されたように生きよう

English follows






The Purpose of Life...

 Live as We Are Designed

No clear answer is possible for sudden vague questions like, what is the purpose of life? Here, just as one proposal, how about answering that 'the purpose of life is to live as we are designed as human being'.

It said that human is the result of revolution over few billions of years, staring from simple random chemical substances. However, the structure of life such as cell reproduction process, brain, DNA, eye are way too well designed to be considered as a result of revolution only. It is more natural to conclude that life on earth was `designed` by someone far superior than human being.

Design says all life on earth use carbon and oxygen's chemical reaction as energy source, feel satisfaction by getting food to acquire carbon. Use electromagnetic field and sonic field for vision and audio, then feel beauty for color, sound and rhythms. Reproduction makes life feel fulfilled. Recognize time space and feel beauty on shapes. Equipped with genetic algorithm to cope with environmental changes. Furthermore, human explore the truth, challenge difficulties intentionally, feel satisfaction on creativity.

And such design is all written in DNA. If we cannot deviate from this framework, the best way for life is to live as it is designed.  Nevertheless, in future, 'design' will be reverse-engineered in full and human will have full control of themselves however, that is the moment when human stops to be `human being`.

But we do not need to feel less excited. It is because those who designed human as well as those who designed even time-space, are also designed by those who belongs to higher class.  Hence those who designed our world will also not possible to know who designed those.  Unless there is some "intervention" from upper class.....