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理系の人にすすめる会計の勉強 Financial Accounting for Engineers


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Financial Accounting for Engineers

Wanted to be Dr. Ochanomizu in Astro-boy. Believing in that scientific development means all for modern society. Had strong prejudice on stocks, banks and merchants, only imaging guys running around seizing dough with bloodshed eyes.

For most engineers, accounting is not a part of interests. I can hear you say that you have not been studying to do such add and subtracts, that is exactly what I used to think initially. However, balance sheet accounting system gave me a big shock.

Great point of accounting is the concept of balance sheet to support asset by equity and liability. The guy who invented this should be genius!  Then RDB like pointers telling someone's liability is someone's asset. In a sense, whole world is described by balance sheets!

I felt like I learned the governing equation of human society.

I promise that the more you are pure engineer, the wider your vision will be by knowing accounting.