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MMT(現代金融理論)の 重要ポイント Key Point of MMT(Modern Monetary Theory)

MMT(現代金融理論)の 重要ポイント

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量的緩和(QE) 前

量的緩和(QE) 後

Key Point of MMT(Modern Monetary Theory)

 As country has seignorage, it will never go default. Such well talked about logic came surfaced recently, now named as MMT, Modern Monetary Theory.

  Important point is `Country can avoid default by currency issuance but can invite hyper-inflation`. Note that this works only when sovereign is not issued in foreign currency denominated. We recall the Russian crisis as well as South America crisis where foreign currency denominated sovereign had gone default. Hyperinflation drove maturity payment impossible. Besides, it should be noted that sovereign balance will keep increasing unless primary balance become positive however, MMT approach still works as long as central banks have trust from market.

In reality, there are few steps to go until currency issuance.
1) Maturity payment of sovereign is covered primarily by new issuance.
2) If new issuance cannot be absorbed by market, central bank purchases direct. The funding source may be current account balance of bank deposits. The current account balance can be controlled by overnight interest rate. This is the current status of FED, ECB, BOJ. Central banks need to induce deposit just like current BOJ is doing, i.e., set positive rate on basic amount under negative policy rate.
3) If run short of current account balance, as a last resort, issue currency note. This is the case when central bank loose market credit under extreme condition.

  The currency issuance 3) in this case are so-called `central bank finance` that can invite hyper-inflation.  However, Quantitative easing (QE) after Lehman shock by central banks such as FED, ECB, BOJ did not depend on currency issuance.  Balance sheet of central banks after QE shows that (see below), central bank purchase are taking risks (credit, market and liquidity) but principle did not depend on currency issuance but was equivalent to absorption by market. 

Before QE(Quantitative Easing)

After QE(Quantitative Easing)