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リブラへの究極の提案 Ultimate Proposal to LIBRA


English follows







G20参加国は、リブラを国際共通通貨と定め、各国、国民一人一人に割り当てられた国民番号(Social Security Number, My Numberなど)ごとに個人アカウントを設定する。リブラ運営体は、すべてのリブラ取引詳細を各国政府にリアルタイムで通知する体制とする。これでマネロン対策が可能となる。





Ultimate Proposal to LIBRA

English follows

Libra has fantastic features to be utilized however, discussion with central banks looks going nowhere regarding money laundering and currency sovereignty.

 At the first glance, it looks as if governments are torturing one private firm however, these points, if missed, can invite calamity to everyone. Hence the correct way of seeing current disputes is that nations, on behalf of all people, are trying to fulfill missing points of Libra. 

Here is simple & wonderful proposals to get out of current dead-lock situation.

1) Currency Sovereignty perspective

Define Libra operation body as an international servicing organization governed by G20 Central Bank Governor Meeting and adhere issuance up to underlying currency baskets. This leaves currency sovereignty to belong to each countries as it is.  The profit/loss of currency basket maintenance is owned by G20 central banks while Libra operation body will receive service fee as Libra operation servicer.

2) Money Laundering perspective

G20 countries define Libra as an international cash currency for which individual accounts are setup in sync to social securities numbers('My Number' for Japan). Libra operation body automatically send out all transaction details to each government. This setup should serve as effective anti money laundering measures.

3) Monetary Policy perspective

Make Libra interest bearing contract as illegal/invalid as per international law.  This makes term structure of Libra to go disappear, leaving monetary policy effective for each countries as it is now.  If users wish to earn interest rate, users need to convert Libra to other currencies that have interest earnings.

Countries outside G20 can use Libra once the country agrees on the terms and condition set by G20 Central Bank Governor Meeting.

This proposal to make Libra from private to public may look going backward, from small government & privatization trend perspective at the 1st glance. However, if we think of Libra to go independent in the far future, we should better define it as 'public asset' from inception since currency SHOULD BE 'public asset' after all.