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おカネは汚いもの?100年安心年金の結論 Is Money Dirty? Conclusion of Discussion on Pension Security for 100-yrs.


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その根源は「カネは汚い」という刷り込みから始まっている。汚いことを大っぴらに話すな、教育などもっての他だ、ということだ。価値の貯蔵、交換、尺度の「道具」にすぎない「カネ」が「汚い」という刷り込みはいつ始まったのだろうか? 日本だけでなく、有史以来、グローバルに「カネは汚い」、「清貧であるべき」という考え方は、精神的な縛りとして普遍的に存在する。「汚いカネ」を主題とする文芸作品は数限りなくあることからもそれが分かる。




Is Money Dirty? Conclusion of Discussion on Pension Security for 100-yrs.

Now it is time to incorporate fund management as a subject for compulsory education.' is the conclusion for the current discussion on 100-yrs secured pension.

The discussion is about the shortage for JPY20mn as an extra fund necessary to support life beyond current pension scheme, where each need to earn through their own fund management.  However, illiteracy on finance and investment makes people impossible to make such investment decision.

Financial literacy is a very important subject to plan individual life long budget and asset management however, it is never touched during the general compulsory education period.

The source of problem comes from a cultural mind control that ‘money is dirty`, hence people never talk about such nor mention on education of such. The question is when such brainwash started that money is dirty, although money is just a tool for value reservation, value exchange and value measure. Actually, such 'money is dirty', 'stay away from dirty money to be pure' concept exist historically, globally as well as universally, as psychological constraints. It is evidenced by numerous literary works with subject relevant to 'dirty money'.

These 'dirty money' is, in other words, a violence of capital, that stems from all extreme adverse social dichotomization by historical naked capitalism. The violence of capital, historically brought up communism also. However, in modern society, such downsides by capitalism are rather mitigated by lots of measures such as progressive tax, union, etc. On top of that, recent Trump, Brexit phenomena are indicating that correction mechanism of capitalism can also be implemented by democracy (but not by revolution), hence we can conclude that 'dirtiness of money' is on decreasing trend.

Capitalism works most effective when all citizen become capitalist. However, capitalism in Japan is a mere imported implant but never became a 2nd nature. This is evidenced by the fact that majority of Japanese financial assets sit in bank deposits.

Thanks to the recent reform on consumer protection laws on financial services that is far more stringent than ever, Japan is ready for capitalism of the people, by the people, for the people. Why not start now?