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ブログスポットの中でのMobileNet利用 Using MobileNet inside BlogSpot

Using MobileNet inside BlogSpot


Installed MobileNet on this site, blogspot, i.e., Google's free blog service. This only classifies object based on pre-educated neural net but no new learning is done.  Under the camera video shown, object name and possibilities(0-1) are shown.  Pls try out for simple objects such as lion or zebra.  If does not work, pls try turning off hardware acceleration. Due to heavy computation, reactions will be slow. Pls deny camera access request if you do not wish to run. 

なお、BlogSpotの記事の場所に結果を表示するには、下のようにparentメソッドを利用します。ソース全体(GitHub)はこちら。 To display the result on blog body, use parent method as below. Complete Source is here(GitHub).

  div id='myContainer'/div

                 --- Skipped so pls see GitHub for complete source --

script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/p5.js/0.8.0/p5.min.js" /script>

  function setup() {
    // Create a camera input
    video = createCapture(VIDEO);
    // Initialize the Image Classifier method with MobileNet and the video as the second argument
    classifier = ml5.imageClassifier('MobileNet'videomodelReady);
    resultsP = createP('Loading model and video...');

                --- Skipped so pls see GitHub for complete source --

  // When we get a result
  function gotResult(errresults) {
    // The results are in an array ordered by confidence.
    resultsP.html(results[0].label + ' ' + nf(results[0].confidence02));
..Code shown from simple Cut and Pasted from Visual Studio Code
(pls delete, "white-space: pre;" after cut and paste. also pls correct for bracket for script and body since brackets are deleted to make output looks nicer :)