
AI Forecast 8306MUFG (258) Social (77) life (73) Financial (64) IT (60) Proposal (56) idea (50) Fund Management (49) Trading (43) economics (42) AI (41) Covid-19 (40) Hedge Fund (37) Risk (36) Culture (31) BOJ (29) Science (27) hobby (24) accounting (17) Apps (16) Travel (14) career (11) job (7) Hiking (5) emotion (5) music (3) Statarb (2) piano (2)


AI 株価予測 20220304の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20220304 Status 8306MUFG


 AI 株価予測 20220304の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20220304 Status 8306MUFG

AI予測は続落。AI forecast is further drop.

トレード詳細はこちら。結果的に週末でトレード枠利用は無し。Trade details is here. As a result, no holding at the point of weekend. 

ウクライナ情勢はますます酷くなってきている。ロシアの計算通り、世界の国は悲しいかな周りで大変だと言って踊っているだけだ。Ukraine situation is only getting worse. As Russia calculated, all the countries around the world is just sadly jumping around chanting OMG. 

USTがリスク回避資金の逃避先となったためか金利は下落。パウエルの利上げコメントも無視されている。米国銀行株は下値模索を再開した。Interest rate has gone down since UST became safety heaven for capital flight.  Powell's comment for rate hike is useless. US bank stocks started to search for further bottom. 

MUFGも来週は下落レンジに戻ってしまうだろう。MUFG will revert back to the downtrend range next week as well. 

10年金利 Interest Rate10Yr

[今回予測20220304]Forecast at this time 

[前回予測20220225]Previous Forecast 

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