AI 株価予測 20230630の状況8306MUFG
Stock Price AI Forecast - 20230630 8306MUFG
今週はさすがに下落すると思いきや、上昇して週を終えた。市場はまだまだ行けると鼻息は荒いが、大暴落の可能性も残っている。Stock went up irrespective of market anticipation to go down. Market is bullish but major crash is also likely as well.
3/3 limit holding at the point of weekend. Long term holding utilization is 3/3.
新値は日足・週足・月足とも続伸。AI予測も日足、週足、月足とも上昇。3LB advanced for all charts as well as for AI forecasts.
三菱商事はバフェット効果継続。Mitsubishi kept going up due to Buffet effect.
長谷工も上昇。Haseko went up as well.
ウクライナの反転攻勢は遅々として進まない。Ukraine counter offensive has been going very slow.
米銀株、USTU10とSPX US Banks, UST10&SPX
米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast
パウエルは年内のさらなる利上げを示唆したが、不動産市場の暴落に起因する米経済のクラッシュが秋口にも懸念されており、年内の利上げは起こらない可能性が高い。Powell implied another rate hike this year however, imminent real estate bubble crash may trigger whole US market this fall, making interest rate hike very difficult.
JGB利回りは40bpに収斂。USTは利下げに向かうだろうか。JGB yield converged to 40bp while UST yield may go down.
米国の逆イールドは極まってきた。US inverse yield is getting extreme.