
AI Forecast 8306MUFG (253) Social (77) life (73) Financial (64) IT (60) Proposal (56) idea (50) Fund Management (49) Trading (43) economics (42) AI (40) Covid-19 (40) Hedge Fund (37) Risk (36) Culture (31) BOJ (29) Science (27) hobby (24) accounting (17) Apps (16) Travel (14) career (11) job (7) Hiking (5) emotion (5) music (3) Statarb (2) piano (2)


AI 株価予測 20230714の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20230714 8306MUFG

 AI 株価予測 20230714の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20230714 8306MUFG

短期上昇レンジ下限。中期上昇レンジ上限。米インフレ鎮静化により、米利上げ観測後退で円高が進む中、月末、植田のYCC解除可能性は低下。長期チャートからは1000円台突入後のボラティリティーは高く、1000円を中心とした200円幅での乱高下が続いた。今回に当てはめると、中期レンジの抵抗線の中に納まりそう。Currently at the bottom of short term upward trend and at the top of mid term upward trend. Due to the calming down of US inflation, rate rise expectation has dropped triggering the JPY hike, implying the reduction of chance of YCC retirement. Long term chart indicates the high volatility after getting into the above 1000 level showing the 200 yen up/down around 1000. Applying the history to current market, price of MUFG may stay within the mid term upward trend resistances. 

海外投資家の買いは復活したようだ。Looks foreign investor resumed investing.

PSAVEは若干持ち直し基調。ドル円は介入開始か。PSAVE is on recovery trend while USDJPY got intervention.

QTは一旦停止のようだが、マネーストックは下落基調。QT looks in halt while money stock is on down trend. 

トレード詳細はこちら。トレード枠利用は3/3。長期枠利用は3/3。Trade details are here.
3/3 limit holding at the point of weekend. Long term holding utilization is 3/3.

新値は日足・週足・月足は変わらず。AI予測は日足は下落、週足、月足とも上昇。3LB advanced for day, weekly and monthly charts.  AI forecast indicated drop for daily but up for others.

三菱商事は一旦天井か。Mitsubishi might have reached its temporal peak.

長谷工も上昇。Haseko went up as well. 

ウクライナの反転攻勢は遅々として進まない。Ukraine counter offensive has been going very slow.

米銀株、USTU10とSPX  US Banks, UST10&SPX

NYのIVが減少する一方、株価指標は下がっている。これは、株価の上昇を暗示しているのかもしれない。Note that NYIV has gone down while stock indexes has gone down, may implying the upward expectation of market.

米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast

パウエルは年内のさらなる利上げを示唆したが、不動産市場の暴落に起因する米経済のクラッシュが秋口にも懸念されており、年内の利上げは起こらない可能性が高い。Powell implied another rate hike this year however, imminent real estate bubble crash may trigger whole US market this fall, making interest rate hike very difficult.

UST10とJGB10は上目線。UST10 and JGB10 yields are on upward trend.

米国逆イールドは極まりつつあり、歴史的には景気後退が近いことを示す。US 10y-2y spread has been negative implying historical economic slow down following the period. 

3LB Month/Week/Day

[今回予測20230714]Forecast at this time 

変化なし No change

[前回予測20230707]Previous Forecast 

Midterm Range

一応レンジに収まっている。買い出動は最低でもレンジ下限、800近辺にならないと考えられない。Still within the range. Reaching lower range of 800 level is the minimal condition to make another purchase.