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理系の人にすすめる会計の勉強 Financial Accounting for Engineers


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Financial Accounting for Engineers

Wanted to be Dr. Ochanomizu in Astro-boy. Believing in that scientific development means all for modern society. Had strong prejudice on stocks, banks and merchants, only imaging guys running around seizing dough with bloodshed eyes.

For most engineers, accounting is not a part of interests. I can hear you say that you have not been studying to do such add and subtracts, that is exactly what I used to think initially. However, balance sheet accounting system gave me a big shock.

Great point of accounting is the concept of balance sheet to support asset by equity and liability. The guy who invented this should be genius!  Then RDB like pointers telling someone's liability is someone's asset. In a sense, whole world is described by balance sheets!

I felt like I learned the governing equation of human society.

I promise that the more you are pure engineer, the wider your vision will be by knowing accounting.

人生の目的 .. 設計されたように生きよう The Purpose of Life. .. Live as We Are Designed

人生の目的 .. 設計されたように生きよう

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The Purpose of Life...

 Live as We Are Designed

No clear answer is possible for sudden vague questions like, what is the purpose of life? Here, just as one proposal, how about answering that 'the purpose of life is to live as we are designed as human being'.

It said that human is the result of revolution over few billions of years, staring from simple random chemical substances. However, the structure of life such as cell reproduction process, brain, DNA, eye are way too well designed to be considered as a result of revolution only. It is more natural to conclude that life on earth was `designed` by someone far superior than human being.

Design says all life on earth use carbon and oxygen's chemical reaction as energy source, feel satisfaction by getting food to acquire carbon. Use electromagnetic field and sonic field for vision and audio, then feel beauty for color, sound and rhythms. Reproduction makes life feel fulfilled. Recognize time space and feel beauty on shapes. Equipped with genetic algorithm to cope with environmental changes. Furthermore, human explore the truth, challenge difficulties intentionally, feel satisfaction on creativity.

And such design is all written in DNA. If we cannot deviate from this framework, the best way for life is to live as it is designed.  Nevertheless, in future, 'design' will be reverse-engineered in full and human will have full control of themselves however, that is the moment when human stops to be `human being`.

But we do not need to feel less excited. It is because those who designed human as well as those who designed even time-space, are also designed by those who belongs to higher class.  Hence those who designed our world will also not possible to know who designed those.  Unless there is some "intervention" from upper class.....


MMT(現代金融理論)の 重要ポイント Key Point of MMT(Modern Monetary Theory)

MMT(現代金融理論)の 重要ポイント

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量的緩和(QE) 前

量的緩和(QE) 後

Key Point of MMT(Modern Monetary Theory)

 As country has seignorage, it will never go default. Such well talked about logic came surfaced recently, now named as MMT, Modern Monetary Theory.

  Important point is `Country can avoid default by currency issuance but can invite hyper-inflation`. Note that this works only when sovereign is not issued in foreign currency denominated. We recall the Russian crisis as well as South America crisis where foreign currency denominated sovereign had gone default. Hyperinflation drove maturity payment impossible. Besides, it should be noted that sovereign balance will keep increasing unless primary balance become positive however, MMT approach still works as long as central banks have trust from market.

In reality, there are few steps to go until currency issuance.
1) Maturity payment of sovereign is covered primarily by new issuance.
2) If new issuance cannot be absorbed by market, central bank purchases direct. The funding source may be current account balance of bank deposits. The current account balance can be controlled by overnight interest rate. This is the current status of FED, ECB, BOJ. Central banks need to induce deposit just like current BOJ is doing, i.e., set positive rate on basic amount under negative policy rate.
3) If run short of current account balance, as a last resort, issue currency note. This is the case when central bank loose market credit under extreme condition.

  The currency issuance 3) in this case are so-called `central bank finance` that can invite hyper-inflation.  However, Quantitative easing (QE) after Lehman shock by central banks such as FED, ECB, BOJ did not depend on currency issuance.  Balance sheet of central banks after QE shows that (see below), central bank purchase are taking risks (credit, market and liquidity) but principle did not depend on currency issuance but was equivalent to absorption by market. 

Before QE(Quantitative Easing)

After QE(Quantitative Easing)


グアムダイビングで聞いた、本当に心に響いた話 Story That Really Touched My Heart During Guam Diving



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Story That Really Touched My Heart During Guam Diving

Time was around 1990. I took Padi Rescue course while going diving to Guam.  One dive master was assigned to me for few days at US dive shop. We talked over lots of things while travelling to diving entry points.  There was one story which I still remember well. 

Dive master's father (white guy) was extreme racist hating black people. But surprisingly, he was totally converted when he came back from Viet Nam War. His father got wounded during combat and was rescued from front by black comrade. Black then became benefactor. That was the ONLY good change as a result of horrible war, the diver master said. 


米国公認会計士(USCPA) 合格へのヒント US Certified Public Accountant (CPA), tips to get passed

To Engineers ... Hint to pass CPA(Certified Public Accountant, US)

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25年前、米国公認会計士試験を2年間、4回受験して合格。予備校に通い、クラスメートと話し、いろいろ試行錯誤。最初の回は全滅、2回目でFinancialとControl Accounting、3回目全滅、4回目でAuditとBizLawが終わり、全科目合格。

How to pass CPA(US)

This is a memo of tips for engineers, who do not even know what balance sheet is, to pass United States public certified accountant test. 

1. Run through Wiley 8 rounds but not look for short cuts(Royal Road) 
2. Train to the level to see what is questioned even if question is incomplete
3. Use audio tape to learn business law and audit

I completed public certified accountant test 25 years ago. It took 2 years, 4 trials. Joined prep school and tried many study methods talking to classmates over shortcuts. 1st trial no credit. 2nd trial, passed financial and control accounting. 3rd time no credit, and 4th time, finally got passed all subjects with audits and business law.
  Prep school was good to find people with same objective but discussion over best study method(Royal Road) did not help. My conclusion was to `Run though another question if you have time to discuss`. Brought heavy Wiley everywhere and solved questions one after another, on the train, bathroom, etc.  After 8 round, ended up solving totaling 20K questions, then basically remembering all questions hence could solve faster.
  Questions were not always logically perfect ( i.e., included tacit conditions ), hence it was important to understand what examiner really wish to be answered. The most difficult part of this test is to adjust my mentality to those who created the test.