黒田日銀 .. 次の一手
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マイナス金利というショッキングな政策。でもこれも「張り子のトラ」。前年度までの日銀準備預金残高までは0.1%の金利が付く。それ以上の額についてだけー0.1%の金利がつくのだ。そして、この0.1%金利は国債を買うための資金を市中銀行から預金してもらうために必要不可欠。ここまでマイナスにすると、国債を買うお金を紙幣発行に頼ることになり、ハイパーインフレの種をまいてしまう。 これが「実は人畜無害な空っぽ政策」の理由2。

デフレ原因の見誤り -- 勃興新興国からの安価な優良商品の流入が真の原因
少子高齢化 ーー 子供は国家でそだてる大改革。定年制廃止は必須。
硬直規制 -- インターネットTVを国家ぐるみで潰したツケは重い
移民規制 -- 2極化を防ぎながら移民を受け入れる方法を考えないと
社会保障費増大 -- 健康で病院に行かないと保険料が減る仕組みなどの検討
閉鎖的文化 -- 海外に興味ない若者の増大。
周辺国の勃興 -- 中国が本格的に立ち上がり普及品ではもう勝てない
Kuroda-BOJ .. What's next
Kurodanomics was born from Abenomics. But many aware that its real nature is 'hollow harmless policy' backed by governor Kuroda's great stand play performance only.
Number of tricky measures governor Kuroda launches has been cheered as 'Kuroda bazooka'. Such measures include BOJ (Bank of Japan)'s massive purchase of JGB (Japanese Government Bond) to increase money supply and eventually creates inflation artificially. Here we are going to examine the real nature of Kurodanomics and wish to propose what Japan needs to do going forward.
1) Massive JGB purchase
I believe I am not the only one who was surprised at the unintentional matching of 2018 year-end balance sheet of NYFEDS, ECB, BOJ. Why the balance sheet of different countries targeting QE (Quantitative easing) looks identical although economy size are different each other. The real story is ECB and BOJ copied the NYFEDS approach however, many may think that it is not really necessary to make it identical figures. Is this a sort of joke?
Before QE

After QE

Before the QE, the balance sheet composition was sovereign $1tr / note $1tr however, after QE, it expanded for sovereign $3tr / bank deposits $3tr. Instead of 'great central banks are buying sovereigns',
2) Negative interest rate
Real shocking negative interest rate policy. However, this is also just facade. The central bank reserve interest rate is still providing 0.1% up to the previous year's balance and -0.1% is charged only above that level. And this 0.1% is essential to absorb bank deposit to purchase JGB. If BOJ makes all reserve rate as negative, BOJ needs to depend note issuance for JGB funding, hence can invite seed toward hyper-inflation. The is the reason #2 why the policy is 'hollow and harmless'.
Up until governor Shirakawa, BOJ has been named itself as a guardian of currency. It is a great thing to keep the value of currency. However, Japan protected currency too much to the point to drive it go appreciated to the level of 80JPY/USD, then the level totally devastated export industry together with the impact from real development of emerging countries. Governor Kuroda looked at this and decided to have special performance, i.e., Japan will also join currency war by over driving economic policies, BOJ will buy huge amount of JGBs. Listening to this message, long awaiting hedge funds did short on JPY and JPY/USD went up to 120JPY/USD.
Governor Kuroda is just playing a role of villain as if he is inflation fundamentalist however, his real nature is no difference compared to ex-governor Shirakawa, i.e., guardian of currency. Thus, actually he is most far from ideas such as inflation tax, or bowing up national debt by hyper-inflation. But in Kuroda theater, he is pretending as if he is going to create situation close.
4)Inflation target, FED, BOJ
FED expanded B/S to avoid liquidity crisis after Lehman shock, hence there is no inflation target context in QE in US. While BOJ is different. BOJ labeled itself as "deflation-fighter". So BOJ may have plan actually to print money(note) expanded from current $1tr equivalent balance to $1.1tr level. Corresponding funding balance by bank deposit can be guided down to $2.9tr from $3tr by lowering O/N reserve rate from current 0.1% down to 0%. Then 'print money to purchase JGB' situation is finally realized for the 1st time after QE started, providing strong message together with actual real impact.
However the real nature of show-man Kuroda is actually a solid guardian of currency, he may have huge psychological obstacle to print money going beyond current QE framework built for each central banks. Hence current hollow policy will be hollow how far it goes, no difference however escaping criticisms by calling policy as yield curve control, that is no difference from previous BOJ's market operations, hence there is nothing new.
No worry if Japanese economy recovers but if not, will be a time for this forbidden policy 'money printing' to come around? It is scary that there is no law limiting the amount of note issuance. Govenor Kuroda does not refer to this approach at all since he knows the serious impact. Ultimately, inflation will definitely occur if we shift central bank balance sheet as below. If you look below balance sheet close, you can find out that it is now beyond hollow and harmless but coming with real bullet.This approach makes it possible to achieve inflation technically while keeping Ricardian.

(Note)Will be same result when bank deposit are withdrawn by central bank note but here, assuming the case that bank deposit are withdrawn by bank transfer, then Sovereign are not sold funded by corresponding central bank note issuance.
5)So what Japan should do?
Current problem of Japan cannot be resolved by monetary approach only. The best thing that governor Kuroda can do is to avoid higher JPY appreciation lower than 90JPY/USD. Credit is easy to lose by difficult to acquire for currency. JPY depreciation & 2% inflation can be achieved quite easy if BOJ starts printing notes.
However, the real problems of Japan are rather deep such as erroneous recognition of root cause of deflation, aging population, dead lock regulations, barrier for immigration, expanding social welfare. It is a serious problem that no real discussion is going on among lawmakers on these.
Wrong understanding of deflation -- root cause is the cheap good products from emerging countries.
Aging -- Bring up kids under national support. Abolish age limit.
Strict regulation -- Totally regretful nation-wide anti Internet TV campaign
Immigration -- Need to improvise way to accept immigrants while avoiding social dichotomization.
Social welfare expansion -- Mechanism to get benefit if stay in healthy such as reduction of health insurance etc.
Closed society -- Increasing number of younger generations with no interest on outside Japan
Emerging countries -- China really started to take off and cannot complete for commodities anymore
There should be numerous ways to revive Japan. Instead of over-driving monetary policy, much more efficient to discuss ideas how to revive Japan.