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ピアノ初心者、コード奏法の勧め Piano Beginners, Chord Method Proposal


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Piano Beginners, Chord Method Proposal

Lots of people wish to play piano/keyboards.  'I wish I can play lots of music on piano....'.

Many, then go music school since have no clue where to start. Managed to be able to play one piece! Great, it's fun! 

Next piece, starting from score reading, then managed to play again! 

But, if going to play one more time, starting to feel tired and no energy to work on anymore.. Also aware that they cannot play the 1st piece well anymore. 

Real time performance by reading sheet for right and left hand at 1st glance will be far away.

Most people give up until they reach up to that level, then walk off from piano. 

The tragedy of piano education stems from this single teaching approach for all irrespective of student's profile, armature/hobby oriented or professional oriented. This drove many people, who simply wished to play piano for hobby basis, giving up half way.

Is there any way to stop this? 

Yes there is! This can be solved by introduction of chord method. Real professional oriented people can use existing method, while hobby-oriented people can use this simple piano playing method, chord method. Chord method is a simple piano playing method playing melody on right hand while playing base chord by left-hand.  Musical score for chord method has chord instead of left hand notes, just like typical Jazz score. I put together my version in https://youtu.be/h-PB4s8zUZ4 but same can be found in many other sites also. Historically this approach is used among Jazz, Popular musicians however, introduction to piano beginner's education is not done widely. 

The impact of introduction of chord play method will be enormous.  The potential user of piano will drastically increase once it is known public that piano can be played so easily. The concept is the segmentation of piano user's demand from marketing point of view.

I wish this article is read by all who wish to play piano to make them happy after all.