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AI 株価予測 20200717 の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200717 Status 8306MUFG

AI 株価予測 20200717 の状況8306MUFG

 Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200717

 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20200710Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

新値の更新はなく、結果、新値予測に変化はない。一気に下値を抜ける感じではなく、下降トレンドの下値抵抗線で反発している。There is no update of breaks, hence there is no change on forecasts. It does not look like going down all at once but bounced at the bottom resistance of downward trend.

市場全体は緩やかな上昇トレンドにあり、上方ウエッジを形成している。Market is on gradual up-trend creating upper wedge.

米国はさらに300兆円相当のコロナ経済支援を行うようだ。都合、500兆円規模となり、これは米国GDPの25%となる。この日本のGDPと同等な米国財務省証券(UST)の発行はFEDのバランスシートの膨張につながり、いよいよMMTの様相を呈してきた。QEのテクニックで凌げるであろうが、さらに未知のゾーンに入ってきた感は否めない。US is going to have another government financial aid up to JPY300tr equivalent. Total government aid will be around JPY500tr level, that is almost 25% of US GDP. This UST issuance almost equivalent to Japanese GDP is financed by FED's balance sheet, hence started look more like MMT now. This can be handled by QE technique but cannot deny that we are getting into another "twilight zone".

一方、コロナ治療薬の世界展開は未だ果たされていない。ただ、世界が理解すれば、今回のコロナ騒動は一気に終息に向かうと考えられる。Meanwhile, no global perception of Covid-19 cure medicine is yet recognized by world. However, once whole world recognize it, current Covid-19 will go extinct all at once.