
AI Forecast 8306MUFG (258) Social (77) life (73) Financial (64) IT (60) Proposal (56) idea (50) Fund Management (49) Trading (43) economics (42) AI (41) Covid-19 (40) Hedge Fund (37) Risk (36) Culture (31) BOJ (29) Science (27) hobby (24) accounting (17) Apps (16) Travel (14) career (11) job (7) Hiking (5) emotion (5) music (3) Statarb (2) piano (2)


AI 株価予測 202101015の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210115 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210115の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210115 Status 8306MUFG

[今回予測20210115forecast for this time
[前回予測20210108Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

日足のAI予測は、先週の500円に届かず下落する予想は外れ、株価は続伸、500円をわずかに超えて週末となった。今週の予測はまたまた下落だが、過去20年間のパターンからは下落が多いという理解で良いだろう。Previous AI forecast of drop without reaching 500 has failed, instead price has gone up slightly over 500 at the end of the week. The forecast of this week is still drop however, it should be understood that it reflects the patterns of previous 20 yrs. 

週足・月足に変化はない。下図は、MUFGと日経平均の日足だ。There is no change on weekly and monthly forecast. Below is daily charts for MUFG and NKY. 

米国大統領選はバイデンが来週20日に就任予定になっている。バイデンは早々に200兆円規模の経済対策を発表しているが、2000兆円の米国GDPの30%がコロナで毀損したことを考えると、今回の200兆円を含めた、現在までの合計600兆円規模までは、GDPギャップの側面からはインフレ要因とはならないだろう。On US election for presidency, Biden is scheduled to be inaugurated on 20th next week.  Biden already announced his  $2tr financial aid package plan however, it should not be a driver for inflation considering the 30% drop of US GDP of $20tr due to Covid-19, until it reaches total of $6tr including the immediate aid plan of $2tr. 

今後、上下院、大統領とも民主党のため、米国の社会主義的色彩は今後急速に強くなると思われる、かつて、最も成功した社会主義国家と揶揄された日本からすると、資本主義の総本山である米国がどのように変わっていくのかが興味深い。Going forward, US politics are all blue(Democrats), i.e., house, senate and president are all Democrats, hence US's socialistic color will get stronger. From Japan, that was teased to be the most "successful socialist country" in the world, the change of US, that is supposed to be the guru of capitalism, is very interesting to see how it goes. 

今後コロナの終息に伴い、利回り曲線が立ち上がってくると、銀行株も本格的に復活する局面も来るだろう。Getting close to the end of Covid-19 pandemic, if yield curve starts to rise, bank stocks may start to recover finally.