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TVリモコンCT-90419再生! TV Remote Controller CT-90419 Revived!


TV Remote Controller Revived! 

TVのリモコンの効かないキーがだんだん増えて、みんなストレスが溜まりまくり。ボリュームがちゃんと動かないところまできて、修理決定。 型番はCT-90419。TV's remote controller started to have more and more no-response keys and driving all crazy.  It finally came to the point of volume control, hence decided to repair.  Model number is CT-90419.

YouTubeをチェックしてから、分解。Disassenble after checking YouTube.

黄色で囲んだラバーシートの裏と、オレンジ色で囲んだ基盤を見ると、子供がこぼしたジュースとも食べ物ともつかない、水では落ちないネバネバが一面に。On the back of yellow circled rubber sheet as well as on the circuit board orange circled, found sticky water-insoluble liquid all over came from either juice that kids spilled over or food leftovers. 

コロナ消毒用のエタノールを注ぎ、緑色で囲んだ歯ブラシで、ラバーシートの裏をゴシゴシ。基盤はやさしく指で洗浄。Poured Covid-19 disinfection ethanol and brushed the back of rubber sheet by green circled teeth brush. The back of the circuit board was rubbed by finger and ethanol gently. 

新品の反応に完全復旧し、みんな大満足! All came back just as brand new and made all happy! 

買うと3千円ぐらいだが、時間があれば、やってみてもいいかも。修理して直すと、買うより気持ちいい。It costs only JPY3K if you buy, but if you have time, give it a try! Fixing always makes you feel happier than just buy new one!