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AI 株価予測 20210108の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210108 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20210108の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20210108 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20201231Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

新年最初の週は波乱の幕開けだ。トランプ支持者は1月6日の選挙人開票中の議会に乱入、トランプは今週中に弾劾されるかもしれない。このまま1月20日のバイデン就任式まで静穏に済むだろうか。どんな変革であっても民主主義国家として、あくまで公正な選挙という民主主義のルールを守って欲しいものだ。New year's 1st week was in confusion. Trump supporters rushed into the congress on Jan 6th during the electoral vote counting, making Trump to be impeached sometime next week. Now it became very difficult to expect peaceful transition process until Jan 20th when Biden is going to be inaugurated. Whatever change there will be, as a democratic country, fair election needs to be secured, since that is the rule of the democracy. 

ただ、株式市場はそんな混乱もどこ吹く風、順調に上昇を続け、K回復での出遅れ株も回復基調にある。Nevertheless stock market has been rising irrespective of such confusion, even driving recovery of value stocks left deserted as a result of K-recovery. 

新値三本値のAI予測は先週、6か月ぶりに日足に動きがあった。前回高値を抜いたのである。新値は僅かに伸びたが、予測は何度AI予測を行っても、ほとんどが下向きだ。今回は新値の足が細かく積みあがってきているので、このまま下落した場合、新値を下方向に逆転するかもしれない。Three line break forecast by AI showed change last week on daily chart for the 1st time after 6 months. It exceeded the previous high. 3LB advanced just a little bit but forecast remained the same indicating drop for most part even after multiple forecast run. Due to shorter lines now, there will be downward 3LB if price keep dropping as forecast says.