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AI 株価予測 20220121の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20220121 Status 8306MUFG


AI 株価予測 20220121の状況8306MUFG
Stock Price AI Forecast - 20220121 Status 8306MUFG

QTを受けて週初めからNY、NASDAQおよび日経は崩壊開始、米長期金利も反落した。NY, NASDAQ, Nikkei as well as UST10yr started to collapse from start of the week. 

AI予測は下げ継続だが、中期上昇トレンドの下限抵抗線に到達。AI forecasted continued downtrend however, MUFG stock price reached the bottom resistance of middle term upward trend. 

先週末、短期トレード分は全て売却したが、月曜、寄り付きの信用買いによる急騰に乗せられてしまい、短期トレード枠分すべて再度買ってしまった。Although I sold all my trading position at end of week, I was trapped and purchased the whole limit on Monday opening mislead by sudden rise driven by margin trading. 

このためしばらくは見るだけとなってしまいそうだが、心配はしていない。As a result now I have no option but just keep looking what is going on however, I do not worry much about this. 

その理由は、This is because, 
①米国では株急落と利上げの綱引きになっているが、QTは早晩行われるから。In US, QT process looks blocked by the sudden stock market fall however, QT will be done sooner or later anyway. 
②利上げにより3M-10Yrの利ザヤは拡大し、収益に貢献するから。Such rise will drive 3M-10yr spread and then contribute to earning later. 

利上げとバブル崩壊に伴い、ビットコインは下落方向。BitCoin is on downtrend facing interest rate rise followed by bubble popping up. 


10年金利 Interest Rate10Yr

[今回予測20220121]Forecast at this time 

[前回予測20220114]Previous Forecast 

3LB Month/Week/Day

Midterm Range