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市場激震 Market Mega Move

 市場激震 Market Mega Move

パウエルが利上げとQTの続行の意思を明確にした。結果、金利は上昇を再開、銀行株も上昇。Powell made clear to continue tightening as well as QT. As a result, interest rate resumed to rise accompanied by the rise of bank stocks. 

QTやQE停止、利上げについては、懐疑的な投資家が多く、先の利上げ発表後も国債が買われるなどの現象がみられた。Many have been skeptical for the termination of QE as well as the start of QT.  Hence we still saw US treasuries are bought higher even after the previous announcement of rate hike. 

しかし、今日の発表を境に、国債価格の下落は明確になってきたと言えるだろう。However, from today's FOMC presentation by Powell, the downtrend of treasury price will be distinct.