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踏切の恐怖 The horror of railroad crossing

 踏切の恐怖 The horror of railroad crossing

踏切で誰かの目を探している、買い物カートを押す初老の女性を見た。I saw one old lady holding shopping cart before the railroad crossing. She was looking for someone who can help her. 

踏切が開いているのに横断する様子がない。買い物カートはスーパーの買い物が満載。The crossing was open but she did not cross. Shopping cart was full of foods.

誰も助ける様子がなかったので、次に踏切が開くのを待って横断を手伝った。 I helped her since no one looks helping her. I waited for the crossing to open.

踏切は頻繁に開け閉めされる。The crossing opens and closes rather frequent.

足が悪い場合、横断するのは、補助があっても明らかに危険。If it is difficult to walk, it is obviously dangerous to cross even if assisted by someone.

踏切の半ばで、急がないと踏切が閉まるからとお願いしたが、足が付いていかない。I begged her to move faster in the middle of the crossing since bar can come down anytime however, her leg cannot catch up the necessary speed. 

言葉はハッキリしていて、足が悪いことだけが問題。She speaks clearly, so only legs were the problem.

現状、鉄道の踏切は足を悪くした人が渡るのは自殺行為だ。Currently, it is suicide to cross the railroad crossing if walking is difficult. 

渡り切れない人を検出するセンサーも設置されていない。侵入も防げない。 There is no sensor to detect people who cannot cross in time.  It cannot block such people to enter neither. 

渡り切れない人を助ける人もいない。There is no one who can help people who cannot cross in time. 

底知れない日本の貧しさを感じた。I felt profound poorness of Japan.