
AI Forecast 8306MUFG (258) Social (77) life (73) Financial (64) IT (60) Proposal (56) idea (50) Fund Management (49) Trading (43) AI (42) economics (42) Covid-19 (40) Hedge Fund (37) Risk (36) Culture (31) BOJ (29) Science (27) hobby (24) accounting (17) Apps (16) Travel (14) career (11) job (7) Hiking (5) emotion (5) music (3) Statarb (2) piano (2)


AI 株価予測 20221202の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20221202 Status 8306MUFG

   AI 株価予測 20221202の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20221202 Status 8306MUFG

パウエルの公演はインフレ上昇鈍化と利上げスピード鈍化という市場の期待通りのものだったが、株は下げた。Powell's speech was just as market expected, referring to the slower inflation progression can result in slower rate hike speed. However stock dropped.

上昇レンジの上値抵抗線を抜けたこと、中間反騰は月末まで継続するだろうとの予測から週初に長期枠2/4を投入。現状利回りは4.3%なので、配当目的での保有もあり。MUFG broke the upper resistance of upward range trend. So I bought 2/4 of long term investment limit expecting the bear market rally to continue until end of Dec. Current divided yield is 4.3%, so can keep it for dividend also. 

トレード詳細はこちら。トレード枠利用は0/4。長期枠利用は2/4。Trade details are here. 0/4 limit holding at the point of weekend. Long term holding utilization is 2/4.

過去、株安は利上げをタイミングとして起こってきた。ある時は利上げ開始を合図に、ある時は利下げ開始を合図に。Historically, stock crash happed triggered by rate hike. Sometime when rate started to rise, sometime when rate started to go lower.

SPXが下降トレンド上値抵抗線にタッチし、ここからの大幅反落も予想される。SPX touched the upper resistance of downward trend. Hence big drop can be expected from here also. 

新値は変わらず。新値AI予測は続騰。Three line break did not change and AI forecast is 'up'.

三菱商事は反落。Mitsubishi trading was bounced back.

長谷工も反落。Haseko was also bounced back.

ウクライナはロシアが大量の兵力を展開中。ロシア兵の死者の増大が懸念される。ロシアの早期全面撤退を願うばかりだ。In Ukraine, Russian invaders are multiplying the soldiers massive. High number of death of Russian soldiers is a worry. Only hope for the total retreat of Russian military power. 

米銀株、USTU10とSPX  US Banks, UST10&SPX

米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast



[今回予測20221202 ]Forecast at this time 

変化なし No Change

[前回予測20221125 ]Previous Forecast 

3LB Month/Week/Day

Midterm Range

中期的にはもう一段の上昇があってもよい感じではある。From middle term perspective, one more upside change can happen.