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AI 株価予測 202230113の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20230113Status 8306MUFG

 AI 株価予測 202230113の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20230113Status 8306MUFG

調整が継続するかと思いきや、反発。本尊の金利上昇、YCC崩壊への読みは固かった。本尊がどこまで引っ張るかは不明で、18日正午の決定会合までに降りてしまう可能性もゼロではない。I expected price correction continuation however it bounced back. Looks master mind's view on interest rate hike as well as YCC collapse is steadfast. Not sure how far master mind will pull up the market hence it may exit until the interest rate decision announcement on Jan 18th noon. 

長期チャートからは、940円のラインを超えており、次のレンジに入った。From long chart perspective, price broke 940 showing that the market is in the next range. 

中期的には上昇レンジ上値抵抗線で反落したようだ。Mid term chart shows the price bounced back at the upper resistance of upward trend.

10年債には明確に仕掛けが入っている。昨年6月に来たヘッジファンドだろうか? 10 year JGB looks under outright attack by hedge fund that might have done the same last Jun.

トレード詳細はこちら。トレード枠利用は0/4。長期枠利用は0/40。Trade details are here. 0/4 limit holding at the point of weekend. Long term holding utilization is 0/40.

新値は変化なし。新値AI予測は続騰。No change on 3LB. AI forecasted upward trend.

三菱商事は下落。Mitsubishi trading has gone down.

長谷工も下落。Haseko has gone down as well.

ウクライナではロシアがじり貧になってきているようだが、まだ予断は許さない。In Ukraine, Russia looks taking back inch by inch but obviously not in the stage to relax totally.

米銀株、USTU10とSPX  US Banks, UST10&SPX

米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast


[今回予測20230113 ]Forecast at this time 

変化なし No Change

[前回予測20230106 ]Previous Forecast 

3LB Month/Week/Day

Midterm Range
