
AI Forecast 8306MUFG (258) Social (77) life (73) Financial (64) IT (60) Proposal (56) idea (50) Fund Management (49) Trading (43) economics (42) AI (41) Covid-19 (40) Hedge Fund (37) Risk (36) Culture (31) BOJ (29) Science (27) hobby (24) accounting (17) Apps (16) Travel (14) career (11) job (7) Hiking (5) emotion (5) music (3) Statarb (2) piano (2)


AI 株価予測 20230127の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20230127Status 8306MUFG

  AI 株価予測 20230127の状況8306MUFG

Stock Price AI Forecast - 20230127Status 8306MUFG

1000円直前で跳ね返された相場は、一旦上昇トレンド抵抗線までの調整の後、再度1000円に挑戦する。MUFG was bounced back at upper resistance, then went down to lower resistance however, now challenging 1000 level once more. 

すべて本尊のチャート戦略である可能性が高い。ある節目を突破する場合、一旦引き下がってから再度突破するチャートの定石を踏んでいるように見える。All these moves are the strategy of master mind from chart perspective. Normally, from technical chart perspective, prices tend to bounce back once before it break through the resistance.  It looks as if MUFG price is following this standard behavior. 

本尊によるメガバンクセクターバスケット売買が続く。Master mind's basket trading on mega-bank sector continues. 

株価変動要因として、個別株要因より、メガバンクセクターバスケットとしての要因が大きいのもチャートを見ると一目だ。From historical chart, it is obvious that price move comes from mega bank sector basket factor rather than individual factor.

東京CPIは大きく立ち上がり、今後のインフレの高進を予想させる。Tokyo CPI has gone up significant, implying the further hike of inflation going forward.

国債10年金利、5年金利は反発。日銀共通担保オペも限界を見せているのか。JGB10yr interest rate as well as 5yr interest rate rebounded. It may indicate the limitation of BOJ's repo operation BOJ additionally implemented ad-hoc. 

一旦はヘッジファンド敗退と思われたが、この反発を見ると再度復活したかもしれない。Once I saw the defeat of hedge fund however, hedge fund may be still around by seeing this rebound.

トレード詳細はこちら。トレード枠利用は3/3。長期枠利用は3/3。Trade details are here. 3/3 limit holding at the point of weekend. Long term holding utilization is 3/3. 

来週はMUFGの決算日が木曜日2月2日4PMにある。同日朝4時にFEDの金利決定がある。Next week, there is MUFG result announcement as well as FED interest rate decision on Feb 2nd 4PM and 4AM respectively.

新値AI予測は続騰。AI forecasted upward trend.

三菱商事は反発。Mitsubishi trading has gone up.

長谷工も反発。Haseko has gone up as well.

ウクライナではミサイル攻撃が続く中、東部ではロシアが前進してきている。早期の供与戦車の配備が待たれる。In Ukraine, while Russian missile attacks continue, Russia is progressing in east region. Early deployment of tanks, provided by west, is expected. 

米銀株、USTU10とSPX  US Banks, UST10&SPX

米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast


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[今回予測20230127 ]Forecast at this time 

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