AI 株価予測 20240913の状況8306MUFGStock Price AI Forecast -20240913
11日のCPI発表では、総インフレは低下したが、コアは微増した。インフレは概ね下降トレンドにあることが分かった。トランプとカマラの討論会で、カマラはトランプを圧倒し、バイデンからカマラに候補者を交代したことが成功だったことを示した。結果、カマラの支持率はトランプを上回ったが、大統領選は選挙人獲得数なので、全米的な支持率は即当選には結びつかない。激戦区での当落が決め手になる。In the CPI release on the 11th, overall inflation decreased, but core inflation slightly increased. It became clear that inflation is generally on a downward trend. In the debate between Trump and Kamala, Kamala dominated Trump, showing that the decision to switch the candidate from Biden to Kamala was a success. As a result, Kamala's approval rating surpassed Trump's, but since the presidential election is based on the number of electoral votes, national approval ratings do not directly lead to victory. The outcome in swing states will be the deciding factor.
19日のFOMCでの利下げ幅について、CPIの結果を受けて0.5の可能性が遠のき0.25が主流となるにつれ、ドル円は一時反転しドル高となった。しかし、金曜日になり、FRBのリークに使われるWSJのニック ティミラウスの記事でFRBは現在CPIより雇用を注視しているため0.5の可能性も高いと報道され、ドル金利、ドル円は一転して再下落に突入した。Regarding the rate cut in the FOMC meeting on the 19th, after the CPI results, the likelihood of a 0.5% cut diminished, and a 0.25% cut became the mainstream expectation, leading to a temporary reversal and dollar appreciation. However, on Friday, an article by Nick Timiraos of the WSJ, often used for Fed leaks, reported that the Fed is currently focusing more on employment than CPI, suggesting that a 0.5% cut is still a strong possibility. As a result, dollar interest rates and the USD/JPY pair reversed and began to decline again.
週明け、月曜日は日本は休日だが、米国市場ではドル円下落、日経先物、ADRとも下落となる可能性が高い。At the start of the week, Monday will be a holiday in Japan, but in the U.S. markets, it is highly likely that the USD/JPY will fall, along with declines in Nikkei futures and ADRs.
来週は19日にFOMC、20日に日本のインフレ率発表および日銀の金利決定会合がある。FOMCの結果により、ドル円、日経平均に大きな動きがあるだろう。日銀の金利決定会合では利上げは無いだろう。Next week, the FOMC will meet on the 19th, followed by Japan’s inflation rate announcement and the BOJ's interest rate decision meeting on the 20th. The FOMC's results will likely cause significant movement in the USD/JPY and the Nikkei 225. There is unlikely to be a rate hike at the BOJ's interest rate decision meeting.
現状、失業率上昇でサームルール点灯、米貯蓄率低下、ドル金利逆イールド解消など、景気後退への外堀は埋まってきているものの、肝心のGDPが強いという現象があり、下落局面の中間反騰のブルトラップにいる。よって早晩下落を再開するものと思われる。Currently, while the external factors pointing to a recession—such as the rise in the unemployment rate triggering the Sahm Rule, the decline in the U.S. savings rate, and the resolution of the dollar yield curve inversion—are becoming more apparent, the strong GDP figures indicate that we may be in a bull trap during a mid-downtrend rally. Therefore, it is expected that the decline will resume sooner or later.
長期的なドル円は、米金利下げは現状5%台から2%台へ戻り、円金利上げは0.25%ずつ上げていくことにより最終的に120円台まで戻るシナリオであると予想される。そうなると、160円に及ぶ過剰な円安を享受してきた日本の輸出企業は利益が減少すると考えられる。その結果、日経平均はドル金利上げが始まった2022年4月時点の2万8千円ぐらいまで下落するだろう。In the long term, it is predicted that the USD/JPY will eventually return to the 120-yen range, as U.S. interest rates decrease from the current 5% range to around 2%, and Japanese interest rates gradually rise by 0.25% increments. If this happens, Japanese export companies, which have benefited from the excessive yen depreciation to around 160 yen, are likely to see a reduction in profits. As a result, the Nikkei average is expected to fall to around 28,000 yen, the level it was at in April 2022 when the U.S. interest rate hikes began.
ここ1ー2週間Next 1-2 Weeks:
月末が決算基準日であるが、半期で1.5%強程度の配当のためにポジションを保持するのはリスクが高すぎる。The end of the month marks the fiscal closing date, but holding positions for a dividend of about 1.5% over the half-year period carries too much risk.
選挙は11月上旬にあり、混乱が予想されると同時に、思わぬ下落でチャンスが訪れる可能性もある。The election will be held in early November, and while chaos is expected, there is also a possibility that unexpected drops could present opportunities.
米利下げがドル円を下落させ、それが、IMMなどの制度為替投機以外のOTCベースのキャリートレードの巻き戻しも誘起させる可能性があり、そうなると、キャリートレードベースで買われてきた米国株も手じまい売りで下落するかもしれない。A U.S. rate cut could lead to a decline in USD/JPY, which in turn may trigger the unwinding of OTC-based carry trades, not just speculative currency trades like IMM. If that happens, U.S. stocks that have been bought on the back of carry trades could also see sell-offs, causing declines.
引き続き様子見でノーポジション。Continue to stay on the sidelines with no positions.
トランプ対ハリスの討論会の結果、ハリスの支持率がトランプを上回る結果となった。As a result of the debate between Trump and Harris, Harris's approval rating surpassed Trump's.
メガバンク各社は各々、チャート上の抵抗線まで下落。Each of the megabanks has declined to the resistance line on their respective charts.
新値日足は下落。AI予測は日足が下落。週足が上昇。月足は下落。The new daily candlestick is down. AI predictions indicate the daily candlestick will decline, the weekly candlestick will rise, and the monthly candlestick will decline.
中国株は年初から再上昇を始めているが、不動産問題が更に火を噴く可能性が高く、一時的な戻りと考えられる。Chinese stocks have been rebounding since the beginning of the year, but there is a high possibility of further escalation of the real estate issue, suggesting a temporary rebound.
米株は、リモートワーク定着による商業用不動産の暴落が、いまだ株式市場に織り込まれていないのが最大の懸念材料。The crash of US commercial real estate due to the establishment of remote work has not yet been factored into the stock market.
根底には中国の不動産崩壊もある。中国マネーの縮小が、世界の商業用不動産の下落に拍車をかける。The underlying factor is also the collapse of Chinese real estate. The reduction of Chinese money will further accelerate the decline of commercial real estate worldwide.
米貸し出し延滞率もコロナ支援金の枯渇に伴い急速に上昇しつつある。The delinquency rate for US lending is also rapidly increasing due to the depletion of COVID relief funds.
米株の急落とともに世界株式が暴落するのも、ここ数カ月以内に起こるだろう。The crash of US stocks will likely lead to a global stock market crash within the next few months.
今週は雇用統計など、米経済減速を示す経済指標の発表が相次いだ。来週は、木曜日のインフレ率発表。This week saw the release of various economic indicators pointing to a slowdown in the U.S. economy, including employment statistics. Next week, the inflation rate will be announced on Thursday.
決算は山場を越えた。日経平均EPSに大きな変化はなかった。The earnings season has peaked. There was no significant change in the Nikkei 225's EPS.
PSAVEは若干持ち直し基調。ドル円は介入開始か。PSAVE shows a slight recovery trend. Could intervention begin with the USD/JPY pair?
長谷工は下落トレンドから復帰。Haseko showed exit from down-trend.
米銀株、USTU10とSPX, NKY US Banks, UST10&SPX, NKY
中国株は反発するも未だ復活していない。不動産不況から始まるバブル崩壊はまだ始まったばかりかもしれない。Chinese stocks have rebounded but have yet to recover. The bursting of the bubble, starting with the real estate recession, might have only just begun.

NY株は景気後退のシグナルが其処ここに出ているのを無視して、パウエルの利下げとM7のみの好況を理由に上昇しているが、これがいつまでも続くわけはない。Despite various signs of an economic downturn, NY stocks are rising, driven by Powell's interest rate cuts and the strong performance of the M7 companies. However, this cannot continue indefinitely.

VIXは上昇。Vix has gone up.
FEAR&GREEDは恐怖へFEAR&GREED dived into fear.
中国株は反発するも未だ復活していない。不動産不況から始まるバブル崩壊はまだ始まったばかりかもしれない。Chinese stocks have rebounded but have yet to recover. The bursting of the bubble, starting with the real estate recession, might have only just begun.

NY株は景気後退のシグナルが其処ここに出ているのを無視して、パウエルの利下げとM7のみの好況を理由に上昇しているが、これがいつまでも続くわけはない。Despite various signs of an economic downturn, NY stocks are rising, driven by Powell's interest rate cuts and the strong performance of the M7 companies. However, this cannot continue indefinitely.

VIXは上昇。Vix has gone up.
FEAR&GREEDは恐怖へFEAR&GREED dived into fear.
米金利の今後 US FF rate forecast
米インフレの鎮静化は一時停止状態で、失業率は低下し、景気はまだ強く、インフレ圧力の復活の可能性も秘めているように見える。これがパウエルが利下げを早期に行えない原因。The pacification of US inflation remains suspended, and with a decrease in the unemployment rate and continued strong economy, there seems to be a possibility of a resurgence of inflation pressure. This is the reason why Powell cannot cut interest rates early.