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北海道のチョウザメ天国 Sturgeon Paradise in Hokkaido


Sturgeon Paradise in Hokkaido

標津サーモン科学館に行ったら、そこはチョウザメ天国だった。大小、大量のチョウザメが飼育され、歯のないチョウザメの餌やりは、手をチョウザメに飲み込まれる迫力もの。ロシアの河川へ遡上するらしいが、日本の河川で放流すれば日本の河川に遡上するかもしれない。でも、生態系の破壊など、考慮しないといけない事項は多く、そう易々と実験できるものでは無いということだ。When I visited the Shibetsu Salmon Science Museum, it turned out to be a sturgeon paradise. A large number of sturgeons, both big and small, were being kept there. Feeding these toothless sturgeons was an intense experience, as they would practically swallow your hand. It's said that they migrate upstream to rivers in Russia, but if released into Japanese rivers, they might also migrate there. However, there are many factors to consider, such as the potential disruption of the ecosystem, so it's not something that can be easily experimented with.