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人類生き残り作戦..2019OKを見て Survival Mankind, seeing 2019OK


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だれかが言うだろう。「億年単位なんて、バカみたい」。 確かに時間軸スケールが違う。








Survival Mankind, seeing 2019OK 

100m-size meteor 2019OK passed 1/5 earth-moon distance, last Thursday Jul 25th, 2019. It was found only few hours before it passed earth. It is double the size of meteor that created Barringer Crater (picture above).

Now it is time to for mankind to have global objective,

We already know lots of things.

14 billion year since the birth of cosmos, 5 billion year since the birth of solar system and the earth.

4 billion year since the birth of lives.

4 billion year by the collision of milky way and Andromeda galaxy.

2 billion year until earth stop to be habitable.

And mass extinction for every 100 million year by meteor collision and plate tectonic abnormalities.

Basic instinct embedded in our gene brought war on earth.

But now it’s time to flip that instinct into the prevention of mass extinction of mankind.

Stop wasting time on useless war on earth.

Somebody may say, such a fool to think of 100 million years. True that time scale is off the common sense.

However, mankind is now evolved enough to think in longer term not just current generation.

Below, see proposals for world objective.

Survival Mankind

Enemy is meteor collision or natural disasters and we face these as team mankind.

Sharing the same enemy, can share objective as mankind, then war will end.

No one will dare waste time on domestic conflict confronted by huge enemy against mankind.

That`s all.


リブラへの究極の提案 Ultimate Proposal to LIBRA


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G20参加国は、リブラを国際共通通貨と定め、各国、国民一人一人に割り当てられた国民番号(Social Security Number, My Numberなど)ごとに個人アカウントを設定する。リブラ運営体は、すべてのリブラ取引詳細を各国政府にリアルタイムで通知する体制とする。これでマネロン対策が可能となる。





Ultimate Proposal to LIBRA

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Libra has fantastic features to be utilized however, discussion with central banks looks going nowhere regarding money laundering and currency sovereignty.

 At the first glance, it looks as if governments are torturing one private firm however, these points, if missed, can invite calamity to everyone. Hence the correct way of seeing current disputes is that nations, on behalf of all people, are trying to fulfill missing points of Libra. 

Here is simple & wonderful proposals to get out of current dead-lock situation.

1) Currency Sovereignty perspective

Define Libra operation body as an international servicing organization governed by G20 Central Bank Governor Meeting and adhere issuance up to underlying currency baskets. This leaves currency sovereignty to belong to each countries as it is.  The profit/loss of currency basket maintenance is owned by G20 central banks while Libra operation body will receive service fee as Libra operation servicer.

2) Money Laundering perspective

G20 countries define Libra as an international cash currency for which individual accounts are setup in sync to social securities numbers('My Number' for Japan). Libra operation body automatically send out all transaction details to each government. This setup should serve as effective anti money laundering measures.

3) Monetary Policy perspective

Make Libra interest bearing contract as illegal/invalid as per international law.  This makes term structure of Libra to go disappear, leaving monetary policy effective for each countries as it is now.  If users wish to earn interest rate, users need to convert Libra to other currencies that have interest earnings.

Countries outside G20 can use Libra once the country agrees on the terms and condition set by G20 Central Bank Governor Meeting.

This proposal to make Libra from private to public may look going backward, from small government & privatization trend perspective at the 1st glance. However, if we think of Libra to go independent in the far future, we should better define it as 'public asset' from inception since currency SHOULD BE 'public asset' after all. 


日本株2019年7月 Japan Stock July 2019


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  •  日本株時価の現状の総額概算は400兆円、アメリカは30年で5倍の3,000兆円
  •  世界最大の債権国になり、貿易収支減少分は所得収支でカバーされている
  •  少子化で日本の内需はダウンサイジング傾向
  •  日本株は主要参加者である外国人の投資行動により方向性が決される

  •  アベノミクスによる円安誘導で救われた輸出企業の増益増配銘柄が増加
  •  PER, PBRが大幅に改善
  •  マイナス金利政策と配当利回増大でイールドスプレッドは拡大し株価を維持
  •    チャート上は、バブル以降の下降レンジからは脱却している

  •  円高に大きく振れた場合、景気後退が加速するか
  •  中国の停滞と米中貿易摩擦による世界的な減速感
  •  米国株は更なる利下げでバブル拡大
  •  中国減速により電子部品供給銘柄は受注激減。
  •  チャート的には3段上げを終了し、いつ大きな調整が来てもおかしくない


Japan Stock July 2019

Roughly did an overview on Japan stock transition half century from oil shock up to 2019 Jul.  Impressive to see that all the history are reflected to the stock chart, from "Japan as number one" period to current Japan on the edge. 

Long term Trend
  •  Current Japanese stock market cap is roughly jpy400tr while US has jpy3,000tr, times 5 increase in 30 yrs. 
  •  Japan became the world largest creditor while reduction of trade balance is well offset by the increase of income from oversea investment.
  •  Domestic consumption is on down-trend due to down-sizing of population.
  •  Japanese stock market nowadays is led by foreign investors as major market participants.  

  •  Increased number of companies with increased profit and dividends thanks to cheaper yen led by Abenomics.
  •  PBR and PER valuations improved a lot as a result.
  •  Expanded yield spread is supporting price as a result of negative interest rate policy as well as increasing dividends.
  •    From stock chart, it looks like Japan had already exit from down trend range after bubble burst.

  •  Economy may go sluggish if yen swing down to significant appreciation.
  •  Global slow-down of economy due to China and its trade friction with US. 
  •  Further expansion of bubble of US stock due to rate cut. 
  •  Electric parts providers are expecting significant sales drop due to slow down of China. 
  •    Chart just completed 3 steps up and now looks ready to have major correction anytime. 
Possibilities until end of 2019
  US central bank is heading towards rate cut to cooperate Trump administration although they actually wanted to start QE(Quantitative Easing) exit as soon as possible.  This may make US stock further higher, then Japan stock may follow the same. However China's rapid slow-down may undermine the valuation of Japanese stock that supports current price level. If that happens, Nikkei may head down to 15K level however, that will be the time to buy.


リブラ「銀行」の利害関係 Libra "Bank" `s Stakeholders


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  • 利点
    • 信託財産の運用により得た金利収益はリブラ保有者に再分配しないため、発行体の収益となる。
    • 市場価格が裏付け資産価格より安い場合、リブラを買って償却し、裏付け資産を売る裁定取引を行うことで、発行体の収益となると同時に価格が安定する。
    • リブラ建て決済が広まれば、クレジットカード会社の為替リスクが減少する。
  • 欠点
    • 厳格なマネロン対策のための仕組みづくりを各国政府から要求される。国民番号(マイナンバーなど)、残高、送受金日、送受金先など全ての取引情報をリブラ運営当局が政府当局に連絡する体制が確立されることが条件となるだろうが、技術的に大きな障害は無いだろう。
    • BitCoinのICOのように、巨額の発行益を得ることはできない
    • 巨額の裏付け資産の管理が永久に必要となる。
    • リブラが普及しすぎて各国の独自通貨が殆ど利用されなくなった場合、対リブラの為替レートが不正確になる。
  • 利点
    • リブラ建て取引が主流になると、グローバル企業の為替による企業収益変動幅が縮小する。
    • グローバルな価値の一元管理ができる。送金コストはゼロである。
    • 価値の貯蔵、交換、尺度の道具として用いることができる。
    • リブラによりリスクを単一通貨だけでなく、通貨バスケットに分散できる。
  • 欠点
    • リブラの運営主体が破綻すると、リブラの価値は大幅に棄損する。
    • 現地法により、リブラの利用が禁止される可能性がある。
    • リブラ発行体が裏付け資産運用から得た収入はリブラ利用者には還元されない。
    • バスケット通貨の内、主要な通貨が万が一ハイパーインフレになると、リブラも重大な影響を受ける。
  • 利点
    • リブラ建て預金、金融商品などの新ビジネスのチャンスが生まれる。
  • 欠点
    • 既存の安価な預金をベースにした預金ビジネスが難しくなる。
    • 既存の銀行を経由した送金ビジネスが縮小する。
    • リブラ建て取引が広まると、グローバル資金管理ビジネスが縮小する。
  • 利点
    • リブラ建て決済が広まると、為替変動による企業収益の振れが縮小するので税収のブレも縮小する。
    • 自国の通貨を管理しきれない大きさの国の場合、リブラへ公式通貨を変えれば、単一国通貨への依存度を減らすことができる。
  • 欠点
    • 全取引情報が国家当局に開示されない限り、マネロンの資金移動や税捕捉が困難である。コンプライアンスの側面から、現在、グローバルに各国政府は金融機関に罰則付きの非常に厳格なマネロン検査を要求している。これは現在の金融が、国家単位でセグメント化されており、金融機関を介さないとマネロンが難しいことによる。ところが、現状ではリブラはこれら既存の金融機関によるチェックの仕組みから完全に遊離しているため、適切な規制を掛けないと、ある意味マネロン天国状態になる。
    • 支払い、預金、納税、財務諸表すべてにリブラ建て決済を認めると、自国通貨の流通が減少しリブラに取って代わられる。
    • リブラが主要通貨となった場合、通貨発行量、金利はグローバルに決まるので、景気刺激の利下げ、景気過熱抑制の利上げなど、国ごとの金融調節ができなくなる。即ち通貨の主権を失う。これを防ぐJOMに類する規制の検討も必要となる。

Libra "Bank"`s Stakeholders

The plan to launch virtual currency called Libra was announced by Face book.

Libra is defined as virtual currency backed by currency basket just like ETF or prepaid card, equipped with currency requirement to be able to preserve / exchange / measure value and will show tremendous convenience to customer once available.

However, Libra, as the status of private entity, is far forgoing ahead of central banks that have primary responsibility to achieve virtual currency setup globally in FinTech era in the 1st place. Hence there still inevitably exist lots of agendas to be cleared such as money laundering, taxable amount capturing, currency ownership by country.

From regulator perspective, Libra is not a virtual currency but a Bank. Libra issuing entity`s balance sheet has currency basket as asset while each currency holder's balances as liability.  This is nothing but a balance sheet of a bank.

If so, Libra is a bank, hence it needs to clear all the bank regulations for each countries it's customers reside.

BitCoin has no specific managing body but Libra is run by listed company that regulator can go after for approvals.

Let's think of stakeholders around Libra.

From Libra Issuance body`s perspective
  • Advantage
    • Interests from trusted underlying assets will not be paid to Libra holder but will be issuer's income. 
    • Can arbitrage difference between undervalued Libra against underlying assets by buying Libra cheap to liquidate while selling underling asset at market price. 
    • Credit card company`s FX risk will decrease if Libra denominated settlement spread extensive. 
  • Downside
    • Will be requested by local regulators to implement stringent anti-money laundering measure. Condition for approval will be to report all transaction and balance information such as national-id(such as social security number), balance, date, counter party to local regulators however, such will not be a big technical problem. 
    • At ICO, cannot enjoy huge issuance profit as BitCoin did.
    • Needs permanent on-going management of huge underlying assets. 
    • Once Libra becomes prevailing currency and existing currencies are not used often anymore, FX rate against Libra for each basket currencies will not be precise anymore.
From Libra user's perspective
  • Advantage
    • Once Libra denominated transactions become mainstream, global enterprise's P/L impact from FX fluctuation will be minimized.
    • Can centralize global cash management automatically. Money transfer cost will be zero.
    • Can use Libra to preserve, exchange and measure value. 
    • Can diversify country risk from single currency to multiple basket currencies. 
  • Downside
    • Once Libra issuance entity goes bankrupt, Libra's value will be devalued significant. 
    • Local regulation may ban the use of Libra.
    • Income that Libra issuer get from underlying asset of Libra will not be reimbursed to Libra holders.
    • If any one of major currency in Libra currency basket gets hyper inflation, Libra will have significant impact as well.  
From existing commercial bank's perspective
  • Advantage
    • New business chances for Libra based deposit, Libra related financial products.
  • Downside
    • Deposit business standing on cheap customer saving accounts will be difficult. 
    • Money transfer business will go extinct. 
    • Global cash management business will go extinct as well, as Libra denominated transactions become spread extensive.
From Government perspective
  • Advantage
    • Once Libra denominated settlement wide spreads, corporate tax national revenue will have less impact from FX fluctuation. 
    • If country is small, hence cannot maintain its own currency, by the use of Libra, the country can avoid dependency to one single country. 
  • Downside
    • Unless all transaction information is disclosed to government regulators, money laundering capturing as well as tax evasion detection will be difficult. From compliance perspective, currently on global scale, each government requests financial institutions to perform stringent money laundering checkups with penalty if not performed well. This is making much of the current framework's characteristics that money laundering is difficult unless it goes through existing financial institutions that are  segmented for each country. However since Libra is totally separate from existing financial institution's money laundering checking framework, Libra, in a sense, will be a heaven for money laundering unless it is properly regulated. 
    • If government approves Libra denominated settlement for payment, deposit, tax payment, financial statements, then local currency will not go circulate extensive anymore, but rather will be replaced by Libra eventually. 
    • Once Libra become major currency, money supply as well as interest rate are decided globally, then monetary control by each country will not be possible such as interest rate lowering to stimulate economy or interest rate hike to calm down excessive booming. This is the status of loss of sovereignty on currency. Measures like JOM may need to be employed to prevent this to happen. 


おカネは汚いもの?100年安心年金の結論 Is Money Dirty? Conclusion of Discussion on Pension Security for 100-yrs.


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その根源は「カネは汚い」という刷り込みから始まっている。汚いことを大っぴらに話すな、教育などもっての他だ、ということだ。価値の貯蔵、交換、尺度の「道具」にすぎない「カネ」が「汚い」という刷り込みはいつ始まったのだろうか? 日本だけでなく、有史以来、グローバルに「カネは汚い」、「清貧であるべき」という考え方は、精神的な縛りとして普遍的に存在する。「汚いカネ」を主題とする文芸作品は数限りなくあることからもそれが分かる。




Is Money Dirty? Conclusion of Discussion on Pension Security for 100-yrs.

Now it is time to incorporate fund management as a subject for compulsory education.' is the conclusion for the current discussion on 100-yrs secured pension.

The discussion is about the shortage for JPY20mn as an extra fund necessary to support life beyond current pension scheme, where each need to earn through their own fund management.  However, illiteracy on finance and investment makes people impossible to make such investment decision.

Financial literacy is a very important subject to plan individual life long budget and asset management however, it is never touched during the general compulsory education period.

The source of problem comes from a cultural mind control that ‘money is dirty`, hence people never talk about such nor mention on education of such. The question is when such brainwash started that money is dirty, although money is just a tool for value reservation, value exchange and value measure. Actually, such 'money is dirty', 'stay away from dirty money to be pure' concept exist historically, globally as well as universally, as psychological constraints. It is evidenced by numerous literary works with subject relevant to 'dirty money'.

These 'dirty money' is, in other words, a violence of capital, that stems from all extreme adverse social dichotomization by historical naked capitalism. The violence of capital, historically brought up communism also. However, in modern society, such downsides by capitalism are rather mitigated by lots of measures such as progressive tax, union, etc. On top of that, recent Trump, Brexit phenomena are indicating that correction mechanism of capitalism can also be implemented by democracy (but not by revolution), hence we can conclude that 'dirtiness of money' is on decreasing trend.

Capitalism works most effective when all citizen become capitalist. However, capitalism in Japan is a mere imported implant but never became a 2nd nature. This is evidenced by the fact that majority of Japanese financial assets sit in bank deposits.

Thanks to the recent reform on consumer protection laws on financial services that is far more stringent than ever, Japan is ready for capitalism of the people, by the people, for the people. Why not start now?