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AGI (汎用型人工知能) 赤ちゃんモデル AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Baby Model

AGI (汎用型人工知能) 赤ちゃんモデル

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AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) Baby Model

Current AI is nothing but generalized interpolation of function however, there is no doubt that recent successful neural net implementation is a great 1st step for human being.

On the other hand, it is clear that there is no AI now at human intelligence level. Lots of chat bots are at the level to be able to see that there is no real understanding done.

Obviously there are lots of hurdles from here to get over to achieve human level intelligence (AGI).

Currently couple of approaches are sought out.

1) Philosophical approach

Create human level intelligence incorporating the functions for language analysis, space recognition etc.

2) Brain analysis approach

Create brain emulator by the study on brain structure.

3) Genetic approach

All related to human are written in gene code after all, so study gene structure.

Approach 3) is the ultimate way and development may accelerate from certain level however there is no chance to go anywhere at this point since genetic code order is almost everything we know but not the way to interpret it.

Approach 2) has better chance than approach 3) since it starts from brain already reflecting the design and actually working.

Approach 1) looks most easy for implementation but unless equipped with auto functionality to investigate and develop brand new things, there will be a constant need for huge system development, hence it will not go beyond expert systems.

Hence I wish to propose 4th approach here. That is Baby Model.

Dazzled by lights and starts breathing by own lang, then get nutrition from milk. Learning starts from this moment. Cry to request for help if things are not going right.

The baby has no understanding on 3D world at the time of birth. Peekaboo makes baby excited since it is a process of understanding of 3D world.

Hand Regard is a phenomena that 3-month baby stares own hands to do open shut. It is a moment when brain and hardware is confirming joint protocol.

Then crawling, walking by holding rail, happy 2-leg walking for the 1st time, matching between visions and words. Understanding of the world.

Lots of studies have been done for the growth process of baby, so why not making use of them. Baby is empty in the beginning but will go after and learn anything driven by curiosity. AGI can be realized by achieving this learning process not from adult model but from baby model.