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AI 株価予測 20200529 の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200529 Status 8306MUFG

AI 株価予測 20200529 の状況8306MUFG

 Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200529 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20200522]Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

 チャートは三角持ち合いから上放れ再挑戦で日足新値は陽転した。週、月足新値に変化はない。Daily chart shows triangle-converging range trading, breaking upward once more, this time successfully created upward directional switch. There was no change for weekly and monthly three line break charts.

市場全体のリバウンドは大きく、全値戻しの勢いだ。下図は日経平均だがNYダウも同様な状態だ。The rebound momentum of market is big, almost going to recover the whole drop soon.  Blow chart is for Nikkei225 but Dow looks almost the same. 

世界の感染爆発にはめどがつき、欧米の経済再開と大規模な政府経済支援による米国株式市場の戻りが要因だ。The infection explosion of the world started to see its bound, also US and Europe's reopening of the economy as well as massive government financial aids are the causes of US stock market rebound. 

ただ、世界で36万人、米国でも10万人が死亡し、ブラジルでは感染爆発が始まったばかりだ。同時に需要の減退により原油が暴落、企業も倒産の淵にあり、失業者も記録的な数になっている。また、来る第2波に対し、まだ治療薬も配備されない状態だ。However, death toll is 360K for the whole world and 100K for US followed by Brazil where infection explosion has just started. Crude oil price dropped harsh due to lack of demand, private companies are on the edge of default, unemployment rate is hitting record high. Also, although we are expecting 2nd wave to come, we still have no definite cure medicines deployed yet. 

株価は先を見て動くという。このリバウンドが本当に来る未来の姿を現していると願いたい。Stock market is said to move as a forecast of future. I wish that the immediate rebound is reflecting the future that is really coming.