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AI 株価予測 20200605 の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200605 Status 8306MUFG

AI 株価予測 20200605 の状況8306MUFG

 Stock Price AI Forecast - 20200605 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20200529]Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

 チャートは上放れした。新値チャートは448.7を超えた日足のみが変化した。AI予測は概ね上向きのまま。週足・月足新値が逆転するには各々531.9 609.4をクリアする必要がある。Chart left trend upward. Three Line Break changed for daily chart only due to break through of level 448.7. AI forecast remained the same upward. Level 531.9 and 609.4 need to be cleared respectively to invert three line breaks for weekly and monthly.

NYおよび、東京の株は上昇の一途だ。George Floyd事件にも関わらず、もうすぐコロナ前の水準に達する勢いだ。NY and Tokyo stock just keep going up. Irrespective of George Floyd incident, almost going to reach up to the pre-Covid-19 level. 

予想外の失業者の減少、NYの死亡者がゼロになるなど、鎮静化は進み、経済支援の効果も出てきていることを好感したのか。GNPの10%の政府支出はコロナ被害を補って余りあるのかもしれない。Unexpected reduction of unemployment and zero increase of death toll in NY indicates calming down of the situation together with economic aid showing positive impact.  Government economic aids of 10% GDP can be more than sufficient to cover damage from Covid-19.

ここまで来ると、単なる反発でなく、コロナバブルの様相も呈してきた。It started to look more like Covid-bubble but not just rebound. 

ただ、現在の戻りの主役はTechで金融は出遅れている。金融は、今後の貸し倒れ引当金増加、異次元緩和継続等がマイナス材料、中央銀行や政府の無制限の支援等がプラス材料となる。Rebound is lead by Tech but Finance sector is behind. Finance sector worries increase of defaults and continuation of QE but looking at positive end, can expect unlimited support from government and central banks.

今後、コロナ第二波とともに2番底もあるだろうが、コロナ第二波が高死亡率の強毒性でもない限り、1番底を下回る可能性は低いのではないだろうか。The 2nd wave of Covid-19 may induce another bottom but as long as 2nd wave has no higher toxicity with higher mortality( of course no guarantee ), the chance to go down lower than the 1st bottom will be small. 

今世界では多数のワクチン、治療薬の開発が始まっている。あと一か月もすれば、かなり状況は改善していると考える。In the world right now, many have been working on development of vaccines as well as cure medicines. After one month from now, I expect lots of positive changes in prospect to come out.