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AI 株価予測 20201002の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20201002 Status 8306MUFG


  AI 株価予測 20201002の状況8306MUFG Stock Price AI Forecast - 20201002 Status 8306MUFG

[前回予測20200925Previous forecast

Caution) This is only for my memo.  Never make any actual investment based on this post.

AI予想も、新値更新が無いため変化はない。配当落ち後、当面の下限レンジを破り400円を目指して下落中だ。月足、週足共に更なる下落を予測している。There was no change on forecast since there is no new line break. After dividend date, price broke lower range and now heading down to 400. Both monthly and weekly forecast further drop.

市場全体は上昇レンジを破ったが、短期調整局面を迎えているようだ。Market as a whole broke upward trend lower range and now facing temporal correction phase. 

東証はシステム障害のため10月1日木曜日終日停止した。しかし、翌日復旧し、市場への影響はない。第三四半期末を外したのは幸いだった。TSE shut down Oct 1st Monday whole day due to system failure but did not have big impact to the market next day. It was only luck that the failure missed 3rd qtr end. 

米国大統領選のトランプとバイデンの討論会は盛り上がったが決定打とはならなかった。US presidential midterm election debate between Trump and Biden heated up but looks it was not really a game changer. 

米国大統領トランプと夫人はコロナ陽性とこの金曜日に判明した。現状では無症状で、ヒドロキシクロロキンの処方で、ブラジル大統領と同様、急速に回復するものと思われる。US president Trump and his wife were tested positive for Covid-19 this Friday. Looks not really symptomatic hence HCQ may make them recover very quick as Brazil president Bolsonaro.