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TVアンテナコンセント緊急修理!TV Antenna Outlet Emergency Fix!


TV Antenna Outlet Emergency Fix!

土曜の朝、TVアンテナのコンセントが変だというので見てみると、差込口が壁に陥没してコンセントとしては役に立たなくなっていた。上の写真左側の白い部分はサポートされておらず、押すと陥没。I got "emergency call" on Saturday morning from family for broken outlet of TV antenna. I took a look and found out that connector part dived into the wall end and was losing support as in the left side of above picture. 

分解してみると上の写真のように絶縁取付枠が破損。多分、以前に、ハマりが悪いTVアンテナプラグをソケットに強く押し込みすぎたのが原因だろう。I disassembled and found out that electrically insulated plastic frame was broken as above. This happened probably due to the strong push made before since TV antenna plug did not have good fit to the outlet socket. 

型番を調べると「Panasonic コスモシリーズ ワイド21」とあり、図面も発見!標準的な部品で良かった。Parts model number was  'Panasonic Cosmo Series Wide 21' and blueprint was found on web also as below. I got luck since it looked pretty common parts. 

直ぐに近くのホームセンターで48円で購入し、交換。修理完了。Went straight down to near-by DIY center and found at JPY48.  Replaced and fix completed.